The Mindsets and Practices of the world’s Best CEOs

Every company has one peerless role- CEO. This is the most powerful and sought-after title in business, more exciting, rewarding as well as influential than any other designations.

It is said that if the teacher is effective, the players will perform well and the team will accomplish greatly. If the trainer is not organized, respected by his players, the entire team will have to go through bad results.

In the way, everyone cannot be a perfect CEO. This major factor that differentiates successful CEOS from mediocre ones is the mindset that each leader presents. The mindset of a person influences his attitude, while the attitudes affect the actions and the results of the organization.

When it comes to starting a new business, the importance of a CEO’s mindsets and practices is even more important.

In this article, we will explore check the most beneficial minds and practices of the best CEOs out there;

Learn from Others

A progressive CEO spends time at the end of each day and learns from other people who have already reached what he is trying to reach. As, it is said that there is nothing new under the sun. Originality is subjective, uniqueness is objective. By analyzing the thought and behaviour of other successful CEOs and by adapting their mindsets, one can be generating unique personal development.

Ask Somebody to Do Something that You Can

Try to be a real example for your team always helps you get respect and a positive reputation. Regardless of the issues and requirements that you are resolving right now, there will always be conventional day-to-day works that are boring as well as tedious. When you show your team that you are doing it you become a role model.

Always Rely on Yourself

When you play a role as a CEO, your status often influencer your social behaviour. Best CEOs rely on their own trains to bring excellent performance. Although, they do not feel shy from asking the question, even if they ask their subordinates. Here, you can invest in trainers and mentors who can improve your leadership style.

Experiment in Routine

Experimenting is one of the best practices that a CEO can approach. When you are on the progressive path it does not take a long to convert in a big team from a small one. Try new habits and processes to discover new ways to lead the team and produce.

Believe in Teamwork

Good CEOs always follow the right corporate strategy, taking in to account the company vision and proper resource business decision. Excellent CEOs also work with the directors for accomplishing the business goals. Employee engagement is an important part of culture building. And finally, good CEOs create their teams.

Last Verdict

A person can never stop improving himself. The mindset, the skills and the practices of a leader always affect the overall performance of the company.

Every CEO should understand it and take full responsibility for the organization he is leading.

Marc E. Rippen: Creating A Path Towards An Enhanced Blood Sugar Monitoring With Alertgy

According to the International Diabetes Federation’s last count in 2017, 425 million adults and over a million children are living with diabetes. A further 325 million people are at risk of developing the disease. Luckily, emerging technology makes it easier than ever for patients to take control of their diabetes.

The commitment towards delivering an excellent tool to dietetics with highest standards of quality that prevents borderline diabetes from getting the disease has been the philosophy that has always guided, Alertgy. A frontrunner in diabetes prevention, Alertgy is a name synonymous with groundbreaking and world-class value-centric health solution that is focused on transforming how we monitor blood sugar to improve the lives of diabetics.

The 30 years experienced and highly skilled technical engineer, Marc Rippen has taken the foundation of Alertgy in February 2016. He has worked for multiple fortune 500 companies, Department of Defense (DOD), NASA, SOCOM, and DARPA commercializing dozens of ground-breaking and revolutionary technologies. Marc holds various degrees across multiple interrelated disciplines including: Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Biophysics, Analytical Chemistry, Masters of Aeronautical Science, Management of Engineering and Technology.

“I started Alertgy after I saved my wife Sue from going into a coma from a low blood sugar attack finding her nearly unconscious on the living room couch. I knew then that I had to do something to find a solution to this life or death problem. I was amazed how many people today face the challenge of managing their blood sugar effectively, and the worry their loved ones and caretakers have not known if they are suffering from a low or high blood sugar attack,” Marc shared.


Alertgy has started with a large wrist cuff sized system for hospital applications. This is being used to gather clinical data to further optimize the performance of the technology and provide third party validation. The team is developing a smaller consumer-friendly wristband more practical for use outside of a clinical or hospital environment.  


The number of diabetics worldwide is 422 million and increasing every day. At this time1/3 of the world’s population is borderline diabetic Alertgy can help people modify their behaviours to avoid becoming diabetic. Like DEXCOM the world’s first Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) company. Alertgy could be a multibillion-dollar company in a short time. 


The greatest accomplishment so far in this journey has been the overcoming multitude of roadblocks that have faced team at Alertgy in the last few years. Throughout the research and development process of their non-invasive monitor, there have been hindrances that would have stopped others in their tracks. The goals that Marc and his people have been able to accomplish as a team, and the problems that they have solved give them all more belief that they will be able to accomplish the mission they set out to do, which is to save the lives of diabetics and dramatically enhance their quality of life. 


Being a CEO in this environment mean staying above the competition in the industry, by always working to develop state-of-the-art technologies to bring to consumers. This demands that Marc pushes Alertgy to always be on the cutting edge of innovation, leading the way on the path towards revolution and not falling behind. 


Some of the core leadership principles are to lead by example, encourage effective communication, facilitate a positive work environment, and work smart to get the most out of every workday and reward hard work. 


Marc shared, “The biggest failure I ever had was doubting in my gut what the best solution to a problem was, and not acting on that. In this case, in my first start-up, I felt that I could raise venture money myself, but got convinced to use a shark tank investor that claimed they could raise capital, I wound up raising 80% of the capital, but we had given away most of the company to this dishonest investor. I did not repeat that mistake this time.


My team at Alertgy would say I am demanding but an encouraging and supportive CEO. As a former military officer, I always practice what I preach. I believe in the mantra: lead, follow or get out of the way. Being mission-focused, I don’t look for faults, but look for solutions. I do not expect anything from anyone that I would not do myself. I believe in motivation through example and opportunity,” explained Marc while taking about his leadership.


The main drive in this journey with Alertgy is developing a solution so that in the future no family has to go through what countless do every day, and what Marc went through with Sue; the feeling of helplessness that comes with blood sugar attacks when there is no one around to help.

“My ultimate life goal is to save lives by providing millions of diabetics with automated life saving high and low blood sugar level alerts, as well as a means to improve their management of diabetes in real-time,” Marc wrapped up.  

Marc Rippen founded Alertgy in 2016 to provide non-invasive real-time blood sugar monitoring and alerts to over 400 million diabetics throughout the world. The brand has been uniquely positioned as a leader in advanced solution for healthcare. It is an excellent solution to improve people’s live who are suffering for diabetics.

Tell Your Stress Goodbye With These 9 Amazing Foods

These days, we have a lot of stressful days at work or home. Every day, we get deadlines to meet and a new problem to resolve. Different studies have shown that your diet can influence your stress level. Hence, eating smart can help you relax and deal better with hectic situations.

While there is not a cure-all food to magically remove stress and frustration, you can get some stress relief with a combo of exercising, eating small meals throughout the day and getting more of these fresh goodies.

  1. Dark Chocolates

Dark Chocolates are considered as one of the best solutions to reduce the stress level. A study was published in the International Journal of Health Sciences that says that the polyphones contained in cocoa beans cut the stress hormones in the blood. So the next time you are feeling stressful and a lot of burdens, try a piece of dark chocolate melting on your tongue.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are high in anthocyanins that are able to reduce stress. It also contains vitamin C, which boosts your immune system. Blueberries are particularly important for people who are constantly stressed tend to be sick more often.

  1. Tea

Tea is considered as the best solution when you are feeling sleepy, calm frazzled nerves with a steaming cup of your favourite tea blend. The soothing warmth and tea’s plant compounds work together to level off your body’s response to stress.

  1. Milk

A glass of milk is great in getting more B-vitamins, protein, vitamin D and bone-building calcium to relieve tense muscles. Make sure to stick to the low-fat (1%) or skim varieties. If you like to add more flavour in your milk, have some with whole-grain cereal in the morning or sip on some chocolate milk around bedtime to bring on more restful sleep.

  1. Banana And Avocado

Banana and Avocado are loaded with potassium, a vital mineral; it amazingly keeps the blood pressure low. To make the food interesting, add sliced banana to your morning oatmeal or a half-cup of sliced avocado to a lunchtime salad or sandwich.

  1. Fatty Fish

The heart-healthy omega-3 fats in fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna manage adrenaline levels to support keeps you calm, cool and collected. Fatty Fish is also awesome for just about every part of your body like eyes, skin, and hair.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

We are aware of the advantages of green leafy vegetables; they are lighter on calories and also better for your figure. Besides, green leafy vegetables like spinach contain folic acid. The human body needs this B vitamin to make the neurotransmitter dopamine that can support relieve and ease symptoms of depression.

  1. Carrots

Now, forget about pizza and other crunchy foods, try carrots to beat the stress. Carrots are nutrient-rich and are able to offer satisfying crispness.

  1. Nuts

Different types of nuts like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts are high in the antioxidant vitamin E and zinc that is effective in boosting your immune system.  Those nuts are rich sources of B-vitamins, which help the body manage stress, too.

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