Tesla is Likely To Enter the Indian Automobile Market in 2021

Over the last two decades, there has been a lot of innovation in the fields of automobile engineering as well as clean energy in the United States and one of the leading companies in these sectors is Tesla, Inc. Tesla is a top American company today with a diverse range of products and is known to be one of the key futuristic companies in the country. Their core focus is sustainable energy, electric cars and clean energy products. This company is known for its clean energy cars and clean batteries that do not harm the environment. One market that Tesla has not captured in the automobile sector is the Indian market.

  • Companies Leaving the Automobile Market

Over the last five years, many international companies in India have left the automobile sector in the country. The Indian auto sector is considered a difficult space for many international auto-makers in India. Auto companies from the United States like Harley-Davidson and General Motors have exited from the market and Ford also has stopped all independent operations in India. The most common problem in the Indian automobile sector has been the weakness in demand in this market. The sales for these companies in India have been weak that makes sustaining operations in a country like India extremely difficult.

  • Elon Musk & Tesla Statements

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and has been quite vocal about the desire that Tesla has to start operations in the Indian market. The latest statement by Tesla CEO has been on Twitter where he has said “Next Year For Sure” at a question about Tesla’s India plans. This means that Tesla could enter the automobile market in India in the year 2021. But Tesla has had problems with these plans because even in March 2019, they had been optimistic about an earlier date for entering the Indian market. In March 2019, Elon Musk had said “We would love to be there this year. If not, definitely next”. It means that in March 2019 Tesla was hoping to be in the Indian market in 2019 or 2020. The delay in plans has been because of many reasons and 2020 has been a difficult year for most people in the automobile sector.

  • Delay in Tesla’s India Plans

Tesla has been looking at an entry into the Indian markets at least from 2018 if not before that. It has many models of vehicles that could work with the Indian target customers. However, the main reason stated for Tesla’s delays to enter the Indian market is governmental regulations in this sector in India. India’s tax regulations and tariffs make it difficult to enter and thrive in this market for many foreign automobile companies. However, looking at the latest statements Tesla is looking optimistic about entering the Indian market in 2021.

Tesla offers clean-energy cars and India is a leading country in pollution due to automobile traffic. The entry of companies like Tesla in this market is seen as a positive step by many in India. There are many car models on offer by Tesla and its 2021 India plans are keenly followed by many in India.

The Future Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace


The Digital Age is sweeping past and captivating millions and millions along its path. It has impacted the whole generation owing to its many miracles, and it continues to do so with its many gifts. One such offering is the Artificial Intelligence which is incredibly advanced and is touted to be the future of the Digital Age.

With numerous such things befalling under the purview of Artificial Intelligence, it will revolutionize how we perceive the world. The one industry which is positively impacting would be the workplaces. It is estimated that the workforce might be entirely replaced with robots being the next obvious choice for running the company. As convenient as it may sound, it could bring us eternal convenience or eternal disaster.

Boon or Bane              

2019-2020 has seen a very visible spurt of Artificial Intelligence in many quarters. Companies realize the emerging potential and capital that might come with the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in their core. It is being used to amplify human intelligence and get access to real-time data values.

Since the benefits concerning the usage of intelligent systems are at the peak, the eyes of the world are upon Artificial Intelligence and its many advantages. One of the big four organizations, Ernst and Young has researched the A.I. at the workplace, which states that many of the companies and organizations around the world are accepting A.I. in workplaces which have led to elevated levels of operational productivity. Decisions are swifter; technological innovations are rapid, giving mounds of yields that are unlike anything that has been witnessed.

The organizations which take in A.I. have seen advantages in terms of tackling their competition, minimizing any company costs that might prove to be a hindrance, and streamline the recruitment process. This might prove to be an unconventional practise since many people from the boardroom would think that this is unfair. Employee unions are consisting of so many millions who will be rendered jobless if the A.I. culture is brought forth into existence.

Every job sector would face massive cutbacks, and this would not be limited to lower levels, but also the higher-ups. Another Big 4 organization, PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts that there would be as high as 30% cutbacks by the year 2030 owing to the entry of Artificial Intelligence in the market.

So, in essence, Artificial Intelligence has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages in the employment sphere.

Time Management: 5 Simple Tips for Entrepreneurs

Nowadays, prolonged working hours have become compatible with different types of companies, businesses, and enterprises all over the world. For entrepreneurs, managing work is a 24/7 job, and time management plays an essential role in this. Like managing other areas of business, time management plays a vital role for entrepreneurs to be able to handle their businesses efficiently.

The following are some simple tips for time management effectively:

5 Simple Tips for Time Management

1. Time Planning – Short Term & Long Term

Planning is an essential aspect of business in today’s times, as the environmental and market factors around the company are continually evolving and changing. Financial planning, business planning, operational planning, and product development are all done using appropriate planning tools.

Time management is a critical factor in keeping up with deadlines and managing the business on a day to day basis. Short term and long term time planning range from planning several days of business activities to allow time for a long term project.

2. Daily Scheduling

A secretary or pool of secretaries is an essential asset to any business. This is because they help manage and schedule for entrepreneurs all over the world. Secretaries maintain daily diaries and sometimes busy business entrepreneurs have their day planned on a minute to minute basis for efficient productivity and management of their time.

3. Focus On Important Tasks

Busy entrepreneurs usually have a lot of demands for their time and not enough time in a day to meet all the daily demands of the business. Entrepreneurs need to understand which tasks are essential and how much time each task deserves during the day. This will help entrepreneurs manage their time in the best possible way.

Once business operations have taken place for several years, entrepreneurs and their secretarial staff become aware of the type of tasks that require the full focus of the business owners or CEOs of the company.

4. Delegate

Most business entrepreneurs like to run a tight ship and have complete control over their business. However, one of the most straightforward time management tips for business persons is to be able to delegate in business. This means that they should have the ability to hire senior management and should be able to delegate responsibility and decision making powers in some areas to the senior management of the company.

5. Make Timely Decisions

There are two types of decisions that need to be taken in any business. This includes daily operational day to day decisions and long term decisions that could impact the future course of the business.

For good time management, it is essential to have the skills and ability to take accurate yet fast and timely decisions in business. Entrepreneurs have the skill sets to assess the pros and cons of an impending decision on time, and they should have the courage to make the decisions without spending too much time agonizing over them.

Time management is possible for even the busiest business persons running multinational organizations, and time management are critical for the right work-life balance.

Triumph Launches A Used Bike Program in India in October 2020

Triumph motorcycles is a large UK based Motorcycle Company that has a large presence in the motorcycle market in India. It has a range of motorcycles which it sells all over the world and also in India. Currently, it is a premium motorcycle seller in India and sells 13 products in different motorcycle categories across the country. They have, however, added a new type of business to their retail sales in India in light of the present situation. Triumph is now going to launch a used bikes program that will target first-time buyers to help the company tide this current situation.

  • COVID 19 Pandemic

2020 has been one of the most challenging for businesses across the world because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Millions have contracted the virus, many have died and tens of millions across the world have either lost their jobs or have seen a substantial reduction in their wealth portfolio. The automobile industry, especially the premium automobile sector of the industry has seen degrowth due to the coronavirus outbreak. Triumph has seen their motorcycles being sold at a similar level as last year so far but this could change. The economic rebound is likely to take some time and so Triumph has introduced a used bike program in the meantime.

  • Launch of the Used Bike Programs

Currently, Triumph sells 13 types of motorcycles across India. They are now going to launch a used bike program by the end of October 2020 in just 3 dealerships across India. They have plans to increase this program to 10 dealership locations by December. They have launched this program because despite the COVID 19 prices, they want this year to be a busy calendar year and they want to achieve a target of 20-25% growth over last year in India.

  • How This Program Will Work

Triumph has sold a lot of bikes to Indian customers over the last few years. They will put up a scheme to buy back Triumph motorcycles from the public and then they will upgrade these bikes, fix them in such a way that they can be sold again. These bikes will then be ‘Triumph approved’ and will be sold to new customers as used bikes with warranty. When Triumph sells new bikes, it provides the customers with 2-year warranties for new motorcycles and the plan is to provide one year warranty for these used bikes. Customers who want to buy used bikes from Triumph can make inquires about these bikes through the dealer network.

  • Future Plans for Triumph in India

Triumph retails 13 Premier motorcycles in India and in the next year it also has plans to launch several new products, including the 650 cc Trident Motorcycle in India. It currently operates through a dealership network of 14 dealerships across India. It also has plans to add two more dealerships in India, probably one in the South and one in the East. The growth forecast for Triumph motorcycles in India is ambitious and they are conducting business in such a way that they are not letting the current pandemic situation deter them from their goals in India.

5 Gym Accessories Must-Have to Boost Your Confidence Along with Fitness Clothing

One of the daily routines of many people’s lives is going to the gym. Many people visit the gym daily or many times a week as it is one of the best ways to remain active and stay fit. Many people are also looking to join the gym but do not know much about the accessories required and what it is like to join a gym and visit the gym regularly.

To boost the confidence of the people joining the gym, it is a smart choice to know the type of gym accessories required while joining a gym. Nowadays there are many trendy and fashionable options available in the market for fitness clothing.

The following are 5 must have gym accessories that help boost confidence for people to visit the gym:

5 Must Have Gym Accessories

  • Gym Bag

The most obvious type of gym accessories that are needed for joining and going to the gym is a duffle bag that can be used as a gym bag. There are various items that people carry to the gym that includes towels, water bottles, smartphones, snack bars, and other items. The good handy gym bag is the perfect accessory and to be trendy it should be a stylish bag that matches the women’s workout clothes.

  • Deodorant

One of the best ways to boost confidence in a person is a good deodorant or perfume. This means that carrying a deodorant is a very important gym accessory while visiting the gym. Workout clothes tend to get sweaty and stinky after a regular workout. So using a strong deodorant before and after a workout helps people smell good in the gym which helps in boosting confidence in the gym.

  • Towel

As mentioned above, going to the gym is about working out and exercising at the gym. Gyms make people feel sweaty and dirty after a long workout. Many times people also have a shower after the gym. It is a good idea to carry a towel to the gym also for just wiping off the sweat at the gym.

  • Resistance Bands

There are resistance bands that are used for different types of exercises at the gym. Gyms provide these bands but many people prefer to use their own resistance bands. People buy resistance bands with fitness clothing as it is a great confidence booster to be prepared before visiting the gym.

  • Running Shoes

Some workout sessions like cardio training on the treadmills need good quality running shoes. Whether people visiting the gym are wearing yoga clothes or other types of clothes, footwear is also a major accessory.

There is a long list of gym accessories that a person can carry to the gym. Some women like to carry makeup, some men like to carry energy drinks and most people like to carry their smartphones to the gyms. The above mentioned top accessories are the basic types of accessories needed for people who want to visit the gym in a confident way.

What Education Might Look Like in a Post Pandemic World?

The coronavirus pandemic ultimately shaped the world in a matter of weeks and has made every sector of the economy rethink their business models. One of the fields which did very well over the last few years is the education sector. In almost all developed and developing countries, higher education, foreign education, education at top institutes and some professional degrees have helped educational institutions mint money over the last two decades. Before the pandemic students were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for degrees in top universities.

Pandemic Influence on Educational Institutions

The new academic year starts from between June and September of 2020, and most top institutes like Cambridge in the UK and ISB Hyderabad have started classes online. Most universities all over the world are expected to create online courses, and the college campus experience is non-existent in most places around the world. Till the coronavirus pandemic ends, educational institutions cannot function in the usual way, and this disruption will have a lasting impact on education in a post-pandemic world. The following are some ways how education might change in the post-pandemic world:

Education in the Post Pandemic World

Change in Business Model for Top Institutes

The decentralization of education has taken place over the last few decades. It means that there are more and more universities and colleges opening and education not concentrated in only IIMs, IITs, or Ivy League Schools. This pandemic will shut down many colleges and will again make the top schools with large endowments more popular. These schools like Harvard, Oxford, and other top schools will try to expand their student base and will control education in a much more centralized way.

The Hybrid Educational Model

The universities and colleges that survive the pandemic will likely have a campus experience, and an online experience degree offered to students. The fee structures will have to be reworked after the pandemic as students will not pay exorbitant fees for their degrees. The campus social distant experience in colleges could have an expensive fee structure. Hundreds of thousands of students could also get the same degree online at a much cheaper rate from top universities around the world. There will be no geographical limitations on education.

Investment in Education

Digital access is critical for education in the future as online education will become an essential part of education. Investment in new methods of education and also in educational apps is likely to increase over the next few years. Many corporate businesses looking for sectors to make new investments after the pandemic are likely to look at the changing education sector soon.

Adult Education Online

Educational degrees in the traditional sense are likely to change in the future. This means that as the world changes, old degrees will become outdated, and people will have to keep taking refresher courses in their fields every year to learn new aspects of their profession. Adult education is likely to flourish after the pandemic.

The COVID 19 crisis has changed the world, and education is likely to ultimately see overall as universities and colleges will learn to adapt to a new post-pandemic world.

How to Use LinkedIn for Business Marketing

LinkedIn is a leading professional platform on the global level. It has a powerful social media tool that can immensely help founders, digital marketers and start-up firms. It allows you to create connections and flourish your business efficiently.

Earlier, LinkedIn was used just to maintain professional contacts but these days it has greatly evolved for business marketing. LinkedIn has a refined audience that is eager to absorb information, is open to a new possibility in learning as well as career development. And you can connect with global business leaders; check their entire professional profile while sitting at your desk.

This level of evolution was unthinkable in the last century. It is just awesome and every company should take benefits from the growth and evolution of LinkedIn.

Here is a quick guide on using LinkedIn for business marketing successfully:

First Step- Get Started

  • Signup on LinkedIn, if you are not already a member
  • Now, create a LinkedIn profile focused on how your business can be helpful for other people. Avoid a boring profile; try to create a profile that attracts people to you.
  • It is better to create a LinkedIn company page. Here you can easily set up a business page as you finish the resume section of your personal LinkedIn profile.

Second Step- Passive LinkedIn Marketing

Building a successful LinkedIn profile means creating connections and keeping your account updated to reassure potential clients. Here you need to work on passive LinkedIn marketing that will bring multiple opportunities, like:

  • More Exposures: The search feature of LinkedIn allows a person who is looking for what you offer to find your profile and go through eh offing.
  • Introduction to Potential Clients: You can check your friends’ and colleagues references when looking and messaging potential clients.

Step Three: Proactive LinkedIn Marketing

Take maximum advantages from the different features of LinkedIn. Here are some easy ways:

  • Status Updates: Update your status on a regular basis, keep posting status updates, brief statements that can be useful for your connections. Publish image, links, videos, presentations and other contents related to your brand.
  • Participate in Groups: Join the LinkedIn Groups that are related to your business. Take part in the discussion it will help you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Avoid spamming; try to be a resource people can trust.
  • LinkedIn Advertising: If you are okay for some investments, try Paid advertising on LinkedIn. It is one of the best effective marketing techniques to take your brand in front of potential clients quickly.
  • Upgrade to Paid LinkedIn Membership: There are some tiers to select from that can provide you with some additional contact options and other benefits that may be beneficial for you. Upgrade your profile to paid LinkedIn membership to avail those extra advantages. You can start with the free trial of their pad features.

Bottom Link

Add LinkedIn in your marketing strategy, to expand your network, get potential customers and create a professional reputation for your business.

Important Instagram Marketing Tips for Startups

Are you a start-up using Instagram to market your business?

This time, Instagram is growing rapidly and has become one of the most powerful social media platforms. Large follower counts and massive engagement rate prove that the Instagram account is important for building an audience for your brand. The higher the engagement rate is, the more traffic can be driven to other social channels and website.

But for this, you need to optimize your posts and focus on creating a unique marketing message. Here are several tips that can help you gain traction in the short term and thus make this marketing channel profitable.

Use Right Hashtags to Expand Your Reach

Hastags play a major role in increasing your brand’s reach on Instagram. Focus on relevant hashtags that include your brand name and punch line.

Once, your start-up becomes famous, more people will use your hashtags and buy products from your company.

5 Upcoming Trends About Instagram Marketing in 2022

Instagram Stories for Brand Narrative

Instagram stories give an amazing user experience. You can upload off-the-cut images and videos to your Instagram story and create a buzz for 24 hours.

With Instagram Stories, you can target new audiences. Your account on Instagram is like a mini-TV channel for your brand, take advantage of its features and create viral contents.

Work with Influencers

On Instagram, working with influencers can generate a massive buzz for your offerings. Influencers help you to create a positive identity and great reputation for your start-up. Check follower counts and engagement before working with any particular influencer.

Have a Unique Theme

If you want to get solid followers on Instagram, create your profile with a consistent and unique theme. Instagram marketing is not limited to the number of followers or likes but this platform is about telling stories and showcasing compelling messages.

Show your brand’s uniqueness through your creativity in Instagram posts, highlight and stories.

Offers Discounts

By offering exclusive deals on Instagram, you can see an increment in your ROI. Come up with offers for Instagram followers and special deals, giveaways and freebies.

Go Live

Once, you create a base on Instagram, try to go live on a regular basis. It helps you to connect with followers, ask them questions.

On live, you can share words about your latest products or services, new releases, etc. Besides, you can ask for people’s feedback about your offering.

Go for Instagram Ads

When you are focusing on different marketing strategies, you must consider Instagram ads. There are numerous advertising options for an Instagram account holder to choose from. Photos ads and videos ads are standard Instagram posts.

Also, Carousel ads are slideshow ads for various aims. The feeds or the stories ads are the most effective Instagram ads.

Use Analytics

Keep an eye on the results from your promotions, posts and ads. Track how many views your posts generate. There are various types of tools that are helpful in tracking, monitoring and analyzing Instagram posts. It allows you to channelize your promotional strategies easily.

So that’s it on Instagram Marketing Tips. Focus on providing value to people and offer value and creativity in ways that can capture attention.

As a start-up, your ultimate goal should be building a brand that speaks for itself!


Euro Exim Bank Ltd. is one of the renowned and top-notch financial institutions, established in 2015. It serves clients and businesses involved in cross-border transactions with a range of financial instruments and specialised services.

Euro Exim Bank is a prominent institution with a ‘Class A’ international banking license from Financial Services Regulatory Authority of St. Lucia and a member of the Caribbean Association of Banks. The firm aims to be a trusted partner, connecting businesses to new opportunities and empowering them to thrive in today’s competitive world under the dynamic leadership of Graham Bright. Mr Graham is a dignified and excellent administrator and initiator of various innovative ideas. He has gained global recognition in the illustrious Business Worldwide Magazine (BWM) Awards program, for his client-focused disruptive approach to global trade finance.


Graham Bright studied Business and Law at University and then worked in a US partner company of Unilever specializing in computer time sharing applications.   Three years at Control Data in credit analysis applications, banking and treasury systems was followed by 20 years at SWIFT in sales and partner solutions, culminating with working with application vendors and market infrastructures such as The Bank of England on RTGS projects.

Subsequently, he was MD at the technology subsidiary of a French Bank for 5 years, EMEA SME on Investment Management and international banking at EMC, and after a period of consulting, joined Euro Exim Bank in 2015.

At EEB, Graham’s primary role is to keep the bank safe by negating and mitigating risk in the bank’s processes, software and client activity. The role involves meeting with clients, regulators, applying local, national and international rules, mandates and recommendations.   He also engages with the Board and IT in reviewing KYC, AML, due diligence, KYE software.

It does not pay to be too specialist these days and EEB are not just a trade finance bank.  EEB is also a wholesale banking organisation (i.e. without high street retail outlets), specifically working with clients in key trade locations through web and mobile transactions.


Values like trust, leadership, experience, personal relationships, country expertise, speed of response, cost-effective instruments and above all continued contact and information sharing make Euro Exim Bank stand out in the market. Here is the list of services offered by the bank:

  • Financial instruments facilitate trade for Importers – such as Letters of Credit and Standby Letters of Credit providing rapid processing of digitalised documentation with minimum time on paperwork.
  • Bank Guarantees – for those who need a guarantee to bid and win big-budget tenders, EEB is authorized to issue Bid Bonds, Tender Guarantees and Retention Guarantees.
  • Advance Payment Guarantee and Performance Bank Guarantees – For exporters who need specific instruments to guarantee trades.
  • Online Bank Accounts – With 24×7 availability, providing safe banking facilities.
  • Merchant Bank Accounts – For buyers and sellers who operate across the globe, the facility accepts online payments, using any type of card, with low rates, safe and secure transactions.


Today, there are more challenges today than ever. With ever-changing Government advice on health matters, industry decimated by lockdown and lack of on-site staff, hopes of rebuilding an economy ravaged by potential unemployment, businesses have never before had to be so constructive, intelligent and agile in order to survive. And this is not just a UK or European issue, as all countries are affected, with many familiar business names already a fleeting memory.


First, listening and asking people about their views. Nobody knows everything even though many people think they do!  The art of leadership is very much about gathering thoughts and ideas, testing theories, getting consensus, and creating a logical strategic plan with goals, milestones and tangible reachable yet ambitious targets.

Secondly, leadership is about ensuring staff members are not only happy in their roles but that they contribute to the success of the business. They work with a company, not for a company, are proud to be in the team, and are given challenging objectives. The management team also helps them achieve them, with a solid foundation of training, assistance in their daily roles, providing expertise in unusual situations, and all the materials necessary to do their jobs and enable success.

Thirdly, espousing honesty and trust.  The trade industry with its complex ecosystem of diverse players is a prime target for fraudulent instruments, theft of cargoes, diverted vessels and blatant cybercrime where scams, fake goods, sanctioned items and untrustworthy people are commonplace.  They take extreme measures to vet and protect their staff and their customers, working ethically and morally to ensure people get what they pay for according to tight contractual conditions.


“Success for me is creating and working with experienced self-sufficient teams where they are ready and prepared to use the information techniques and lessons I have imparted, allowing them to excel in their sales roles,” stated Graham Bright.

“It is also being recognized as an inspirational leader in trade, ‘most innovative executive’, working for one of the world’s most recognized names in the trade, with new technology and forward-thinking products, and participating in high-level industry conferences on all aspects of the ecosystem,” he added.


Graham Bright shared, “People say I am calm, considerate, a listener and someone who wants all the facts before taking action. At EEB we have a very flat organization, and a ‘can-do ‘attitude towards the business requirements of our clients. Our compliance teams start from a premise of ‘yes’, rather than the time-honoured position of major banks being known for stalling or immediately dismissing transactions with a firm immovable ‘NO’.”

“Small firms today are under immense pressure to find organisations willing to support their bona fide trades without tying up their entire cashflow for months on end. Here, our leadership style is important in that we listen, get the facts, consult with experts, manage expectations, look objectively, assess the risk, adjust the collateral requirements accordingly so that trade can go ahead, even if the rates are higher and the title does not get transferred until full payment is made by clients at the end of the transaction life-cycle,” he further added


Graham’s vision is quite simplistic. Doing the right thing with respect from peers and doing things right. One cannot regret things you have never done, and for him, he tries as much as possible now being over 60 (apparently the new 40) to experience new things.

These have included lessons in order to be proficient, at least in an elementary way in flying a plane, scuba diving, rock wall climbing, skiing, and in his youth singing for two seasons on stage at the English National Opera in London, and the Met in New York (badly). He is also a Justice of the Peace, fulfilling his sense of public duty  to ‘support, give back to and safeguard the community.’


Whilst all countries are going through challenging times, Graham Bright and his team have seen a sustained increase in global trade. As a direct response, they have taken the ambitious and long-sighted approach of building their team of national and international agents and partners, where they are now looking at serving over 24 countries and increasing their India sales team towards 200 people by the end of the year.

With their additional services in corporate banking, trade platform, Ripple payments and online services, they are constantly developing their capabilities to serve disadvantaged buyers in challenging jurisdictions, hit by reluctance of banks to finance trades, foreign exchange issues, cost of liquidity and growing trade barriers.


Building a business takes years, and relies on solid foundations. In the current uncertain economic climate, firms must be realistic in profit and investment outlook, exercise pragmatic management, hire professionals, release the unproductive, listen and learn constantly from peers and competition. Management should understand value and contribution, not just expenditure, and ultimately work out what customers want and keep delivering it.

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