5 Easy Ways to Earn Money Online for Fresher’s

Most people start earning money in college itself by doing different part-time jobs and finding work online. The economy all over the world has seen stagnating wages and also a sharp rise in inflation. One of the key areas where inflation is taking a toll on students is college tuition. Before getting a high paying job, it is important to earn money to get people through college and early years of employment. There are many good ways to earn money online for freshers so that they can make money that helps them pay their way through college. College is expensive and it includes tuition, rent, daily expenses, and many other unforeseen costs. Most young people have no savings and live month by month and are constantly looking for ways to make extra money. Many times they do not have the time to pick up shifts waitressing or doing part-time jobs because of their college workload or first job workload. There are many types of jobs available online for different types of skill sets and it is easy to make money online. The following are five ways to earn money online which help people make extra cash which helps pay the bills every month:

5 Ways to Earn Money Online

Online Surveys

Corporations and Market research companies need to do a lot of research about their products and how the products will fare in the market when they are launched. To understand the market, it is essential to conduct surveys about the trends and moods of the market. There are many sites available online that pay people to take surveys online. 

Starting a Website or Blog

Starting an interesting website or a blog is a great way to make money online. If the website or blog gets a lot of viewers, the owner of the website can add online advertising to the website. Online advertisers pay well to get their ads on websites or blogs that are popular online. The more popular the blog or website, the more money can be earned by online advertising on the website.

Write Articles and Books Online

Freelance writing online is a great way to earn money. Search engine optimization needs a lot of articles online for specific keywords. Also, there are millions of websites online providing information on a variety of subjects and there are many jobs available to write articles online that pay good money. Many fresher’s love to write and read books but never feel that they can make money through it. Writing novels and small books and publishing ebooks through bookselling apps is a great way to earn extra money online.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online if students have blogs, vlogs, and websites online. Affiliate marketing is when people with online presence do a deal with a company and then promotes their products online to their followers. This means for example if students have a website that is popular in the gadget industry, they can promote gadgets online for a specific company to earn commission from the company.

Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are becoming increasingly popular these days. Nowadays some teenagers and students have online social media presence on key websites with thousands if not millions of followers. Many companies contact these popular youngsters and ask them to promote their products through a tweet, post or blog recommending the products. Sponsored posts are a great way to earn money online especially with people who are very popular on social media online. This type of money- making scheme is not just popular with the celebrities but also with regular youngsters online who have gotten a large following because of their popular online posts.

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Cucumber Probably You Didn’t Know

Cucumber is a widely used vegetable that is part of the gourd family. Cucumber plant is a creeping vine and there are a few varieties of cucumbers available in different regions of the world. Cucumber is a South Asian plant but now is grown all over the world. Cucumber is eaten raw or in a salad. It is also used as an ingredient in many savory dishes all over the world. Cucumber is a cooling ingredient and it is especially popular in the summer months when people like to eat something that is fresh and light. Cucumber is not just a simple ingredient used in cooking. It is specially added to the diet for many health reasons. Cucumber has many health benefits and not many people are aware of most of the benefits of cucumber in the daily diet. Cucumber can be used in the diet in a variety of ways. Some of the dishes made by using cucumber include cucumber soup, pickled cucumber, juice, salad, as a topping, in side dishes like raita and tzatziki and also in appetizers and canapés. Including cucumber to the diet is the right idea and following are some of the health benefits of cucumber that are not well known:

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Rich in Antioxidants

Cucumber is rich in antioxidants that are needed to block oxidation in the body that happens due to free radicals. Flavonoids and tannins in cucumbers are necessary to fight and prevent chronic diseases.

Improves Digestion

Cucumbers provide the body with two main ingredients needed for healthy digestion which is fiber and water. Healthy digestive system washes away the toxins and improves the overall health of the body.

High in Nutrients

There are many nutrients provided by cucumbers. This includes proteins, fibers, vitamin C, Vitamin K, and other types of minerals are provided by cucumber. Other nutrients include manganese, potassium, and magnesium.

Helps in Weight Loss

Cucumber is a top ingredient to use in various healthy recipes that are perfect for weight loss. Cucumber is a great ingredient as it is high in water content and packs very few calories. This helps in weight loss and decreases the rate at which weight gain takes place.

Prevents Brain Disease

The anti-inflammatory flavanoid called fisetin which helps improve brain health. It protects the brain from different types of diseases like Alzheimer’s. It improves memory, protects the nervous system, and also helps improve learning impairments.

Helps Fight Cancer

Cucumbers provide the body with polyphenols called lignans and phytonutrients called cucurbitacins which lower the risks of a large number of cancers. These nutrients help prevents cancers like ovarian cancer, prostate cancers, uterine and breast cancers.

Keeps Heart Healthy

Cucumber is a great food item for heart health. It provides the body with potassium which is essential for the improved working on the heart. It lowers blood pressure levels and also reduces the blood sugar level. It helps the nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction and overall heart function making it a top choice for improving heart health.

Maintains Hydration

Cucumbers are over 95% water. This means cucumber provide necessary bodily fluids and also increase the overall hydration in the body. This is particularly beneficial for people living in dry, arid and extremely hot climates.

Helps Manage Stress

Stress is a major factor in our daily lives. To deal with the stress it is necessary to have to calm fresh ingredients in the diet. Cucumber provides the body with essential B vitamins like Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B7 which is Biotin. These vitamins are necessary to ease anxiety and reduce the overall feeling of stress. Mental health is a major factor these days and cucumbers help maintain good mental health.


World’s Top 5 Tech Startups in 2019 According To Forbes

A startup is a term used for newly established business. Over the last decade, many newly started businesses in the tech industry have revolutionized the industry and become multinational and multibillion-dollar enterprises. Startups are encouraged by governments all over the world especially in the tech sector. This sector is a highly progressive and innovative sector of business that can offer jobs to millions of people all over the world. A startup is a relatively young company and generally issues an IPO after achieving a certain amount of success with the products and services offered by the company. Every year there are many startups that are established all over the world and some of them work while many fail. People who establish startups have new ideas and unique selling propositions to attract customers. The tech industry often keeps a lookout for new startups to invest in which one can offer new products and services to customers. There are major publications like Forbes that keep a tab on these new startups every year. These tech industry startups are ones that are causing the most buzz in the industry in any given year. The following are some of the top tech startups of 2019:


Natural disasters, global warming, and climate change are unfortunately becoming part of our lives. Many people want to take active steps to stop the process of climate change and one of the key ways to do this is to use renewable sources of energy. A Bulb is a great app that is becoming popular in 2019 where members are provided with direct renewable forms of energy to power their everyday lives. Bulb provides renewable wind, solar and energy. It also provides 100% carbon neutral gas at very affordable tariff rates. The process of using renewable energy through this app is a convenient way to be eco- friendly in the 21st century.


Globechain is a service that provides a platform where businesses can donate old items to local charities and to those in need. There is a simple process where businesses sign up and list the items they want to donate. The app or online platform connects the people who want to donate with recipient charities in need of such donations. The pickup is organized and the social impact data is provided to the business.


Huel is an online service that provides meal replacement drinks. Huel offers customers nutritious “ready to drink” drinks in different flavors, gluten-free Huel powder for drinks, Huel flavor boosts in different flavors, Huel candy, and granola bars and also sells Huel accessories. Huel is vegan, nutritious, lactose-free, soy free, GMO-free and is very nutritious as it is designed by top nutritionists. Huel is a great startup and is a top tech startup according to Forbes.


Innovation is the key to growth and there are millions of innovators, researchers, and scientists all over the world. This is a great database that is used by research scientists; intellectual property rights experts, and patent seekers all over the world. The database gives companies and individuals in this field access to 130 million documents in the field of research and development, intellectual property, strategy and business, and life sciences. 


Healthcare is a major issue all over the world. One of the top startups recommended by Forbes is Nurx. This app connects patients with qualified real doctors and provides affordable prescription drugs to patients. The app specializes in birth control, HIV pills, HPV screening, and emergency contraception pills.  Medication, testing kits, and a prescription are all available through this app and they provide discreet home deliveries of this app.


7 Easy But Less Heard Of Methods To Get Rid Of Your Student Debt

With the gigantic increase in education expenses, student debt has turned out to be the sole means of paying for college for many students.

While a student loan might help a student to pursue a career of his choice to fulfill his dreams, the other side of the coin is that some students take a loan but don’t actually complete their studies, and some students take on more debt than their career choice might allow them to pay back comfortably. Moreover many a time, students fail to understand fully the complete consequences of such a decision as taking a student loan quite early in their careers. Most importantly, a student loan cannot be discharged in bankruptcy except in cases of undue hardship.

Keeping all these pros and cons of student debt in mind, here we enlist 7 effective but little known ways to get out of student debt.

1: Know how much you owe:

It might be that you don’t have a clear idea of the number of loans you have or even how much you owe because perhaps you might have taken multiple student loans. So, first of all, calculate the total cost of your loans. A number of calculators, available online, can help you ease your task. You just need to enter a few pieces of information to get a complete breakdown of your payments and how long it will take you to pay off your student loans.

  1. Getting your loans restructured:

Students can go for some agencies where the interest rate is restructured in such a way that can fit your pocket. These institutions can actually offer students alternate repayment options like extending repayment and providing a repayment scheme which is income-based. These may reduce the monthly payment by stretching out the term of the loan. While such an option brings down your monthly instalment, you may have to churn out some extra money as interest on the main principal. 

  1. Refinance Your Student Loans

Students can consider getting a private loan at a lower rate to refinance their existing student loans they if they have already graduated, secured a job and have become quite stable.

  1. Automate Student Loan Payments

Checking online options of repaying your student loan might be another solution to your headache as you stand a chance of getting a reduction in interest rate if your loan is repaid online. So, talk to your banker for an auto-debit, where your monthly loan amount will be automatically transferred from your checking account.

It might be that you don’t have a clear idea of the number of loans you have or even how much you owe because perhaps you might have taken multiple student loans. So, first of all, calculate the total cost of your loans. A number of calculators, available online, can help you ease your task. You just need to enter a few pieces of information to get a complete breakdown of your payments and how long it will take you to pay off your student loans.

  1. Getting enrolled for Peace Corps

You can get a portion of your student loan forgiven if get enrolled to volunteer for Peace Corps. Should you choose to volunteer as a public school teacher, social worker, a policeman or a firefighter, you can also get a part of your loan condoned.

  1. Creating a repayment schedule by making additional payments

Apart from going for an auto debit option to pay your lender and getting a reduction in the loan interest, you can alternatively make additional payments in small amounts whenever you get hold of some cash. You can just log on to your lender’s website and make the additional payment thereby lowering your principal amount.

  7. Going for an Income Based Repayment Scheme

You would do good to opt for an income based loan repayment scheme which not only matches your loan payments with your income and family size, but also typically reduces the size of your loan to 15% of your income and makes you eligible for forgiveness. The balance of the loan remaining after payment for a period of 20-25 years is generally forgiven.

5 Easy Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Most people all over the world live paycheck to paycheck. This means that they have to live within their means and try and maintain a budget. The economy all over the world may be growing but there aren’t enough high paid jobs available for the growing demands for jobs in the world. Wages have been stagnant the world over and the inflation and cost of living continue to rise at a fast rate.

All over the world, people look to save as much money as they can so that they can pay bills and get through the month without running out of money or borrowing money. Living on a tight budget is very difficult but people start getting more and more used to living like this if there is no other choice. Also saving money starts becoming a habit. People find innovative and effective ways to save money when they are working with a tight budget. Once people get into the frame of mind of saving money, there are many easy ways in which money can be saved. The following are 5 easy ways to save money that helps people who have a tight budget:

  1. Switch to Cash

It has been statistically proven that people tend to spend more money using credit cards in comparison to cash. Actually counting the cash in the purse and wallet and then paying with cash makes people spend less money. Another advantage is that there is a hard limit on the cash that can be carried while going out for shopping even for daily household items. Carrying less money helps people spend less money and is a great tip for staying within the budget.

  1. Eat Homemade Food At Home

People spend a lot on restaurants, food trucks, fast food chains and buying or ordering food from outside. The food bill is tallied at the month’s end can be substantial. Food bill can be reduced in a real way if people start eating homemade food. Homemade food made of fresh ingredients from the local market is healthy and also very affordable rather than buying readymade food from out. Learning to cook can seem daunting for many people but basic recipes are easy and there are many guides and videos available online to help beginners learn how to cook.

  1. Look For Deals

Whether it is a personal item, clothes, groceries or any type of gadgets most of these items are either bought at departmental stores or online. Nowadays there are many businesses online as well in each locality selling the same type of items. This means that there are a lot of great deals on offers as many of the business need to give deals to stay competitive. Searching for the best deals for any type of purchase is a sensible choice.

  1. Buy in Bulk

There are many offers available for people looking to buy different types of products in bulk. For example, a pack of four soaps is cheaper than buying just a single soap at a time. Bulk purchase is always cheaper and is a great way to save money while living on a tight budget. Buying in bulk is easy in large departmental stores that are known to keep bulk buy options at affordable rates.

  1. Use Public Transport

It is expensive to own and maintain a car especially on a tight budget. There are many cities and towns all over the world with an excellent public transport system which can be used by locals for a very low expense every month. There are private cab services available where people can hire a cab by using popular cab hire apps on phones. These apps also provide many deals and offers to attract customers. It is cheaper to use a transport service than to maintain a vehicle and this saves money on a tight budget.

10 Beauty Benefits of Eggs for Hair and Skin

Eggs are a common food product that has been used in cuisines all over the world. Eggs are a common ingredient in most sweet and savory recipes and are classified as a “superfood” because of its nutritional value and benefits. Eggs provide essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals and also reduce the risks of various ailments and diseases. The dietary benefits of eggs are phenomenal and many people include eggs in the diet to remain strong and healthy. There are also many beauty benefits of hair and skin as eggs are used in an external way to benefit hair and skin.

Many people have different types of problems with their hair and skin. Long luxurious hair and beautiful radiant skin is something most people want and maintaining beautiful hair and skin take time, work and effort. There are many natural remedies using eggs for different types of hair and skin problems. These natural remedies can be used at home in and it is a very affordable way to maintain the hair and skin.

The following are some of the beauty benefits of eggs for hair and for the skin:

Beauty Benefits for Hair

  1. Conditioning the Hair

Eggs are great for the conditioning and nourishment of the hair. Eggs directly provide proteins and essential nutrients to the hair. Eggs provide nutrition from the roots of the hair to the ends or tips of the hair.

  1. Promotes Hair Growth and Curbs Hair Loss

Eggs provide the hair with proteins, vitamins; zinc and other nutrients that are essential for building the keratin which helps in promote hair growth and also make hair stronger. Stronger hair is essential to curb hair loss.

  1. Adds Shine to the Hair

Egg has a high concentration of protein and regular application of eggs on the hair not only strengthens the hair but also gives a luxurious shine to the hair. Dull and damaged hair makes the overall appearance look less than appealing and regular use of egg on the hair boosts the shine in the hair.

  1. Heals Hair Damage

The egg helps in building the keratin in the hair which is a need for healthy hair. This keratin helps in healing the damage done to the hair because of nutritional and environmental factor.

  1. Improve the Elasticity of Hair

The egg yolks provide the hair with lutein which helps the hair become stronger and also improves the elasticity of the hair which then protects the hair from breakage.

Beauty Benefits for Skin

  1. Skin Tightening

Many people use an egg mask for skin tightening. The albumin in the egg tones the skin and also helps to tighten the skin making it an effective anti-aging ingredient in the pantry.

  1. Oil Blotting

Oily skin is a major problem for many. Egg white masks are a great solution to these problems as egg white suck the oil from the pores and remove the oil from the skin.

  1. Cleansing the Skin

An egg is a great skin cleanser. It removes oil, dust and other bacteria from the skin in a natural way. Egg removes the impurities on the skin and protects the skin from acne.

  1. Whitehead and Blackhead Remover

Egg white masks on the nose and other areas of the skin with whiteheads and blackheads help gently remove these skin problems. Applying the egg white masks and then reaping it off after it dries helps remove the blackheads and whiteheads from the skin.

  1. Nourishment of Skin

Egg provides different forms of nourishment for the skin. It provides moisture for the skin, hydrates the skin, improves the texture of the skin, and provides essential proteins, vitamins, and nutrient directly to the skin.

Audi SUV Q2 – Booking Open in India For the New Luxury Car

Audi AG is one of the top luxury brands in the world in the automobile sector. This is a German automobile company with many subsidiary brands. Audi operates in the Indian market providing the market with different types of luxury vehicles. Audi is known for its engineering, stylish designs, and has many different models that are available for sale in India. One of the models that the Indian customers have been waiting for is the Audi Q2 which was recently announced in India.

  • Audi Q2 Announcement

The Audi Q2 was expected to start sales in India soon and on the 3rd of October 2020; Audi started taking bookings for the Audi SUV Q2 in India. Audi India has had a relatively active year this year and this has been Audi’s fifth launch in the country in 2020. The Audi India website has all the details about the booking information including information of all the company’s dealerships across the country. The booking amount for the Audi SUV Q2 is Rs 2, 00,000 and there are some key offers available as it is a launch of a new Audi car in India.

  • Introductory Offers For Audi SUV Q2

The Audi SUV Q2 is a luxury all-rounder which is a large car with many features and is a top choice in the luxury SUV sector in the Indian market. The introductory offer is called the “Peace of Mind” offer which means that the offer is related to efficiently using the car without problems for at least a few years to come. The “Peace of Mind” offer includes a 5 years service package with a 2+3 extended warranty. It also comes with 2+3 years of roadside assistance which means that the Audi SUV Q2 offers customers a 5-year package deal to maintain the car effectively.

  • New Market Segment For Audi

Audi is a brand in the market that is associated with ultra-luxury car models. Some of the models of Audi cars sold in India are extremely expensive and not in the price range affordable for even some within the upper-middle class range of the market. With Audi SUV Q2, Audi is trying to enter a new market segment in India.

This is going to be a luxury all-rounder vehicle in India that is not as expensive as other Audi models in India and is going to be filled with features that the modern Indian successful families like in the country. This car is perfect for the first time luxury car buyers in India as it is a starting option in the luxury market in India. This car makes buying an Audi much more accessible to customers in the Indian market than before. This car has many features, has a two- litre petrol engine and is known for its “Quattro” technology, superior handling and good grip.

  • Audi Q2 – India Plans

The model has specific requirements that meet European and Japanese standards and the Audi SUV Q2 will come to India from Germany. The Indian government has a rule that 2,500 units of a car model can be imported into India and Audi is using this law to sell this car in India.

Mahindra Group Launches its New Generation Mahindra Thar in India

The sports utility vehicle market in India is a fast-moving and popular segment of the Indian automobile market. Though many people consider this market segment as part of the SUV segment of the Indian market, these cars are slightly different than the average SUVs. These are the original “Jeep” style SUVs that are not just suitable for city roads and highways but are also suitable for rugged terrains. Mahindra and Mahindra on 2nd October launched its new generation sports utility vehicle or SUV called Thar into the market.

  • Price and Models of Mahindra Thar

Mahindra Thar is a popular automobile in India and its new-generation models are excitedly welcomed into the market. The Mahindra Thar is available in two series that represents two separate market segments in terms of price. The Mahindra Thar’s ex-showroom price is Rs 9.8 lakhs starting for the AX series and the price range extends up to 12.95 lakhs for the LX series. The LX series is an expensive and lifestyle focus series whereas the AX series of Mahindra Thars new generation models is the more affordable option.

  • Availability in India

Mahindra and Mahindra are a leading automobile company in India and have a pan India reach. This means that Mahindra and Mahindra plans to launch the new generation Mahindra Thar all across India. Initially, the test rides begin in 19 cities across India which will then extend to 100 more cities by 10th October. By the middle of the month, around October 15th test drives for the new Mahindra Thar will be available across India. The Mahindra Thar is a new generation SUV and is likely to be as popular as the new generation XUV and Scorpio also introduced by Mahindra. Deliveries for the new Mahindra Thar will begin on November 1st 2020.

  • Strategy Behind the New Mahindra Thar

The SUV segment of the Indian market is getting saturated because of a large number of SUVs that have entered the Indian market which are soft-roaders that are primarily meant for urban use. There are many Indian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and other international brands in the urban use SUV segment of the automobile market in India. Mahindra and Mahindra have shifted their focus on this segment and now are primarily focusing on the rugged “Jeep” style segment of the Indian automobile market. This means that these cars will be not just suitable for urban use but also rugged terrains in India.

  • Clever Strategy By the Mahindra Group

As mentioned above, Mahindra has renewed its focus on a targeted section of the SUV market. This strategy has been adopted because the larger SUV market share is difficult for Mahindra to capture as it lacks a competitive advantage in the larger SUV market in India. The strategy is to not blindly chase the market share in the SUV segment but to focus on a subcategory of the segment where Mahindra has a competitive advantage and where it is likely to do well.

Mahindra Groups’ launch of the new generation Thar is based on the popularity of its earlier models in this segment and is likely to be a successful launch in the Indian Market.

Tesla is Likely To Enter the Indian Automobile Market in 2021

Over the last two decades, there has been a lot of innovation in the fields of automobile engineering as well as clean energy in the United States and one of the leading companies in these sectors is Tesla, Inc. Tesla is a top American company today with a diverse range of products and is known to be one of the key futuristic companies in the country. Their core focus is sustainable energy, electric cars and clean energy products. This company is known for its clean energy cars and clean batteries that do not harm the environment. One market that Tesla has not captured in the automobile sector is the Indian market.

  • Companies Leaving the Automobile Market

Over the last five years, many international companies in India have left the automobile sector in the country. The Indian auto sector is considered a difficult space for many international auto-makers in India. Auto companies from the United States like Harley-Davidson and General Motors have exited from the market and Ford also has stopped all independent operations in India. The most common problem in the Indian automobile sector has been the weakness in demand in this market. The sales for these companies in India have been weak that makes sustaining operations in a country like India extremely difficult.

  • Elon Musk & Tesla Statements

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and has been quite vocal about the desire that Tesla has to start operations in the Indian market. The latest statement by Tesla CEO has been on Twitter where he has said “Next Year For Sure” at a question about Tesla’s India plans. This means that Tesla could enter the automobile market in India in the year 2021. But Tesla has had problems with these plans because even in March 2019, they had been optimistic about an earlier date for entering the Indian market. In March 2019, Elon Musk had said “We would love to be there this year. If not, definitely next”. It means that in March 2019 Tesla was hoping to be in the Indian market in 2019 or 2020. The delay in plans has been because of many reasons and 2020 has been a difficult year for most people in the automobile sector.

  • Delay in Tesla’s India Plans

Tesla has been looking at an entry into the Indian markets at least from 2018 if not before that. It has many models of vehicles that could work with the Indian target customers. However, the main reason stated for Tesla’s delays to enter the Indian market is governmental regulations in this sector in India. India’s tax regulations and tariffs make it difficult to enter and thrive in this market for many foreign automobile companies. However, looking at the latest statements Tesla is looking optimistic about entering the Indian market in 2021.

Tesla offers clean-energy cars and India is a leading country in pollution due to automobile traffic. The entry of companies like Tesla in this market is seen as a positive step by many in India. There are many car models on offer by Tesla and its 2021 India plans are keenly followed by many in India.

The Future Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace


The Digital Age is sweeping past and captivating millions and millions along its path. It has impacted the whole generation owing to its many miracles, and it continues to do so with its many gifts. One such offering is the Artificial Intelligence which is incredibly advanced and is touted to be the future of the Digital Age.

With numerous such things befalling under the purview of Artificial Intelligence, it will revolutionize how we perceive the world. The one industry which is positively impacting would be the workplaces. It is estimated that the workforce might be entirely replaced with robots being the next obvious choice for running the company. As convenient as it may sound, it could bring us eternal convenience or eternal disaster.

Boon or Bane              

2019-2020 has seen a very visible spurt of Artificial Intelligence in many quarters. Companies realize the emerging potential and capital that might come with the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in their core. It is being used to amplify human intelligence and get access to real-time data values.

Since the benefits concerning the usage of intelligent systems are at the peak, the eyes of the world are upon Artificial Intelligence and its many advantages. One of the big four organizations, Ernst and Young has researched the A.I. at the workplace, which states that many of the companies and organizations around the world are accepting A.I. in workplaces which have led to elevated levels of operational productivity. Decisions are swifter; technological innovations are rapid, giving mounds of yields that are unlike anything that has been witnessed.

The organizations which take in A.I. have seen advantages in terms of tackling their competition, minimizing any company costs that might prove to be a hindrance, and streamline the recruitment process. This might prove to be an unconventional practise since many people from the boardroom would think that this is unfair. Employee unions are consisting of so many millions who will be rendered jobless if the A.I. culture is brought forth into existence.

Every job sector would face massive cutbacks, and this would not be limited to lower levels, but also the higher-ups. Another Big 4 organization, PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts that there would be as high as 30% cutbacks by the year 2030 owing to the entry of Artificial Intelligence in the market.

So, in essence, Artificial Intelligence has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages in the employment sphere.

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