How to optimize the local referencing of your site on maps web snapshot?

The best way to be visible on the maps web snapshot is to be regularly present on social media and share relevant information on a page specially dedicated to local searches.

Have you decided to embark on the e-commerce adventure or just opened a store? You are certainly not waiting for prospects to arrive on your premises or your pages by chance alone and have probably planned an advertising budget to make yourself known: magazines, newspapers, radio, TV, … but at what cost! The most profitable advertising campaigns are those generated on the maps web snapshot, especially those whose traceability can be total.

Merchant sites, commonly called online stores, are direct adversaries of traditional merchants. Most come from other regions, or even countries, for lack of leadership in terms of SEO strategy.

It is now a fact consumers shop on the internet or scan it for information on the company.

Boost your products, promotions, or events!

This space allows you to publish articles without limit and events or promotional offers. If they are well written (think SEO optimized writing), the latter will generate traffic thanks to referencing/positioning in your catchment area.

Tips to improve your maps web snapshot positioning

Local SEO: You have undoubtedly heard of these communication agencies who often talk about it on social networks and that many companies find a qualitative audience there. We provide a list of some tips that will allow you to improve your presence and better communicate with your audience and your prospects.

You need to know the most important keywords and the sectors that best define you.

Optimize your business page

It allows you to provide information about a company and attract new prospects or customers, both to your site and to your business or business. Therefore, its improvement is a priority to capture their attention and direct them to your site or social network pages.

Post pictures

You can publish many professional or personal photos on social networks; these must be of good quality, clear, and preferably original. Do not miss the visual communication on social networks because it is one of the most popular, and in a few seconds, their attention could be captured or not to the detriment of your opponent.

The main things to change first are:

  • The property claim
  • The insertion of the company name and the axial key term in the title
  • The choice of the default category
  • Display of contact data: e.g., telephone, email, schedules
  • Short description
  • Encourage your contacts and customers to post comments
  • Display a call to action button per message (depending on the sector)
  • Write a list of questions and answers (FAQ)
  • Publish representative and quality photos
  • Post explicit, buzz-generating videos

Referencing in the right categories

In practice, they allow you to define your core business. In other words, to position yourself in the right department of a store. When creating an account, it is common to see freelancers or business owners who have not called on a maps web snapshot professional register in a more or less close generic sector. This is the most influential factor for local SEO.

It determines the type of requests you would be best able to provide a solution or answer during a query on a given keyword. Therefore, you must select the one that represents the bulk of your turnover or brings a good profit margin.

Secondary categories allow you to describe your related or underlying actions with a limit of some sectors. You improve your general positioning by exploiting these sub-departments by becoming more visible.

Get more reviews/comments.

The marketing strategy of major brands has been able to adapt to changes in the behaviour of Internet users, which has resulted in the emergence of a new generation of entrepreneurs: influencers. They have become the preferred communication channel with a strong presence on social networks and often have a large community of “followers,” they have become the preferred communication channel. For these major brands, particularly because they are financially more affordable than traditional media and because the statistical traceability of returns on investment is almost total. Their job: to direct Internet users towards a purchase intention by using testimonials as a major argument.

Share maps web snapshot tips, tricks, and tips.

Internet users are fond of advice of all kinds; whether it concerns the presentation of a product, a user manual, or even an event, each text will inevitably generate phrases that generate visits and extensions on your maps web snapshot.

Some will publish every day, others every week or every month according to their desire, availability, or desire to use the maps web snapshot as a visibility vector.

Another big advantage of these publications, although they are qualitative and instructive, is their vitality!

 Enable Messaging

Messages are an instant chat app built into your Business listing for mobile use. Once activated, the application displays two action buttons on your presentation. The first launches a dialog box where you can send messages and share photos; the second is an action button offering to make an appointment or request a quote, depending on your field.

Messages are not enabled by default.

Here’s the procedure to follow:

  1. Connect to your interface
  2. Click on the “Messages” menu
  3. Confirm your request for activation of the “Messages” function

Register in local directories and sites

Local directories are intended to meet the expectations of Internet users in specific geographical areas and are strongly recommended for local service companies and shops, whether physical or virtual.

To benefit from increased local visibility, a presence on these directories will effectively contribute to the notoriety of your maps web snapshot but also that of your Business page. It is also very likely that many customers or prospects are also present or visit this site.

Adopt a “Voice Search” SEO!

Most digital technology manufacturers now rely on virtual assistants, whether integrated into your car, phone, food processor, or corporate support. Voice control is booming and has now become essential.

The speed of response and its practical side is the basis of their development. Knowing that a person speaks almost many times faster than they write and that voice search allows you to keep using your two hands, it is easy to perceive the enormous possibilities that could arise from this!

If you write a short formulation in writing, On the other hand, opting for an oral conversational style whose research is expressed in an interrogative form, relatively precise, and using a larger number of phrases will significantly improve the relevance of the results.

The more precise they are, the more the answers will be because they are selected from the “long tail.”

Voice assistants select responses from 3 sources:

  • The first results of natural referencing: hence the interest of positioning oneself in natural referencing AND local referencing
  • “Featured Snippets”: these enriched texts, more complete than standard ads, are positioned at the very beginning of the results.

•           “Other questions asked”: the use of advice, tips, and tricks make it possible to respond effectively to the many questions that Internet users ask themselves.

Few Tips To Get Fit With Time

Fitness is one of the pressing needs in today’s hectic schedules. Violation of specific rules for attaining the minimum fitness for the body will only produce detrimental results in the long run. Before it gets too late for the body to overcome the ailments, lets us all make a promise to stick to a daily routine of fitness. Wondering how you can start or achieve that? Below is a list of the perfect guide that will help your fitness reach an optimum level making you a happier person than ever.

Stick To A Regular Routine Of Exercising

Build up a fitness routine of doing some necessary exercises daily. Build yourself up mentally, saying that this is a daily need for the body. Start with small workout sessions- yoga or gym- anything that suits you. Increase the duration and the range of exercises every week. Take the help of a trainer if you have never done this before. Practising new workouts every week will benefit you physically and mentally.

Eat Light

The main mantra for fitness is to eat light when lightly hungry. Long durations lead to great hunger pangs, and satisfying them leads one to eat more. Ultimately all your efforts for fitness go vain. So eat light at small durations. Never starve or never stuff yourself to the brim. So eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.

Eat Clean

For attaining a good level of fitness, eat clean. This means avoiding junk foods, foods with preservatives or aerated drinks. These foods only lead to fat accumulation and a more significant amount of calories in the body. So instead of going for these shortcuts and enticing food items, eat something healthy as various delicious alternatives to junk foods are available in the market.

Give Yourself A Treat Once A Week

Instead of denying oneself entirely of all those tasty fast foods, go for a cheat day once a week. This will help you overcome the cravings you always get at the very sight of junk food items. Indulge yourself but see that you do it in moderation. The very next day, get back to your regular fitness regime again. This will also help you have a healthy eating pattern to which you can slowly get accustomed as you know that you have a cheat day once a week.

Eat Lots Of Veggies And Fruits

Green veggies and all kinds of fruits are the compulsory food intake every day to attain a good fitness level. These foods are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals essential for the body, especially in today’s hectic schedules.

Rest Well

Rest is as important as exercise is needed for the body. Getting the body to work all day with little practice will injure or be severely fatigued, leading to abortive results of fitness efforts.

Enjoy every bit of the fitness regime because getting leaner and fitter does not happen overnight. It is a long process that takes patience and sincerity in carrying out the fitness regime exceptionally well. So make fitness endeavours enjoyable because leading a healthy lifestyle is the call of the moment.

The 7 Elements Every Strong Brand Needs

Every brand can be successful and strong if you incorporate the seven elements listed below. This includes the creation of high-quality branding elements like a logo, color schemes, and typography. It also includes market research and using your branding in a clear and consistent manner.

  1. A memorable logo

Every brand needs a strong logo design. This is literally the cornerstone of branding. Without a logo, you can’t really do much else! A company logo is used in virtually all aspects of branding – from website design and blogs to products, merchandise, and physical marketing.

Think of any major company. We can guarantee that most of you can immediately identify their logo. Nike, McDonald’s, Audi, Apple, Microsoft, the NBA, Gap, and Walmart. Their logos are iconic. They stand out and you immediately know which company they belong to. If you can create a memorable logo like this, you are on track to creating a strong brand for your business that will stand the test of time.

  1. An attractive color scheme

To support an amazing logo, an attractive color scheme is also essential. Oftentimes the logo itself uses a branding color scheme. However, colors should also be used throughout your content – your website layout, your social media profiles, and your business cards, for example.

Different colors instill different emotions in people. They can also evoke certain reactions and make people perceive businesses in a certain way. As a result, you must choose your color scheme carefully so that it represents your business in the right way.

  1. Effective use of typography

Typography is also highly important. The fonts you use can totally change the way your business is perceived. They can also change the effectiveness of your branding. As a result, you must choose your fonts carefully. This includes fonts for your business logo, website graphics, and social media images.

For example, using stylistic fonts can make your business appear less professional.

  1. Consistent use across all platforms

Having these fantastic brand elements is one thing. However, if you do not use them consistently, you cannot hope to create a strong brand. The best brands hammer home their branding elements. This means using your logo, color schemes, and chosen fonts whenever possible.

There should never be a piece of marketing or content that doesn’t match your branding! By reinforcing your brand wherever possible, you ingrain it into the minds of your customers.

  1. A likable “personality”

This might seem strange, but it is essential for the development of a strong brand. Depending on your brand, it could be seen as having a “personality” – like it is a living, sentient thing. This is simply a figurative term, but it really helps steer your brand in the direction you want.

Think about your current brand image. What personality would you say it has? If you would not describe its personality in positive terms, it needs work!

  1. Extensive target customer research

Customer research is also vital. The best brands are based on extensive market research relating to your target customers. The more you can target your branding towards your customer base, the more effective it should be.

  1. A clear purpose

Laslty, your brand must have a clear purpose. What do you want to achieve with your brand? Do you want to attract new customers or build a bond of trust with existing customers? If you have a clear goal for your brand, it will be far more effective.

It is possible to create the perfect brand. However, it requires a focused approach. You must do your research, and understand your customers!

Marika Gederte: An Entrepreneur on a verge of Making a Difference

Imagine an individual applying for a job, not for the required position but the CEO of the company, and gets the job. It is highly strange to witness such an instance, but never implausible. This incredible excerpt of life belongs to Marika GederteFounder of the International College of Cosmetology. It requires strong determination and belief in oneself, to take a risk and pursue one’s desire. These are the traits of a true entrepreneur, and Marika remarkably portrayed the spirit of entrepreneurship. Her risk-taking ability and perseverance often assisted her in grasping various opportunities in her professional journey. Even while applying for the job, she made an alliance with her courage and proved the fact that no dream is unrealistic. “Looking back, I would say that I am not afraid of safe and completely opposite solutions,” she proudly mentions.

Marika belongs to a small but extremely beautiful country with less than two million inhabitants—Latvia. From a very young age, she desired to attain financial independence and was determined to put efforts to engender it. She firmly believes that being open to learning new things is the key factor that helps an individual to grow. She has completed 25 years as an entrepreneur still she studies hard to educate herself with new things. “At the moment I call myself an eternal student,” she adds. “The more I study, the more I realize that I know so little and that this eternal engine makes me achieve higher and higher goals in my business as well.

She founded International College of Cosmetology almost 20 years ago; currently, she co-owns it and prepares specialists in cosmetology and therapeutic massage within two and three years. Her clients at the college are students or people who purposefully want to take up the profession and work in beauty or health care. She has spent many years building her impeccable reputation and developing credibility in her work. It is significantly important to her as she wants to be a good example and inspire others through her work. Moreover, receiving the first international prestigious award from UK, from the Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology, as the best new school, she began to believe that her work is making a difference. Her company also received an award for diversity management.

Such recognitions are incredibly motivating to continue the great work with even more passion,” she says with relief. She believes that she and her team are setting benchmarks for education in beauty and wellness. In 2019, as the only educational institution and company in Latvia her company also received an international award – EFQM Committed to Excellence Certificate and Sustainability Silver Award. Meanwhile, she has received the Human Development Award given by the Civic Alliance in Latvia together with the American Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Embassy in Latvia in the category of Social Responsibility for organizing various charity events. She earned these recognitions by overcoming all the obstacles. The main challenge she generally faces is to build a loyal team that believes in her ideology and has the same “drive” to be better. She claims herself an incorrigible optimist individual who constantly expands the comfort zone of her and her team. “But not everyone is into force. I am also inspired by the staff and individuals and it creates mutual synergy,” she adds.

Changing the whole world is very difficult, so Marika’s recommendation for the industry is to focus on one thing and to do it well, at least within the organization. She exemplifies that they must start with respecting equal employment opportunities, the right to education and training. “Unequal career and educational opportunities, constrained by pregnancy, maternity and childcare responsibilities, and the increased risk of poverty associated with unemployment, especially for women of pre-retirement and retirement age, are having a negative impact on the situation of women in the labor market. Age, disability, and ethnicity are additional aspects that can affect women’s and men’s opportunities in the labor market and thus their quality of life in general,” she adds.

She suggests everyone must discover a new life balance as pandemic has not only disrupted business but also created new business models. Thus, one must dwell towards adaptation and provide new solutions to sustain in the market. On contrary, she also believes that pandemic in-a-way helped individuals to re-focus on their approach and set new ambitions and goals. Being a passionate creator of companies and projects, she feels very inspired by new things. For prospect, she wants to focus more on mentoring, traveling and blogging, real estate, and investing. “I don’t want to take on such a huge emotional responsibility anymore, but think more about myself, about my health, sports discipline, and new goals,” she quotes.

You must least ‘Try’   

She recommends both men and women aspiring entrepreneurs to ‘try’. One is not aware of his or her destiny, but one must try tirelessly for his/her ambition. Further, she states, “once as a mentor, I tried to tell young entrepreneurs about my mistakes, but then I realized that the path is different for each of us and the best teacher has his own mistakes.” She believes, though good education is necessary it is not the sole deciding factor of attaining success in entrepreneurship. Moreover, she feels important to believe in what you are doing, to find a way of doing business that helps consumers solve their problems, be in the right place at the right time and take risks. “As we say, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne,” she concludes.

Elca Grobler ensures Women stays Undoubtedly the strongest Pillars of the Society

Women empowerment has always been a key aspect while updating plans and policies for the growth and development of any nation. In India, NGOs have remarkably contributed to facilitating the process of empowerment among women. In this issue, we take pride in featuring an exceptional female leader who has worked tirelessly over the course of the last 10 years to develop programs that would meet the challenge of domestic violence and sex trafficking in India, by serving women in India by working for their education and empowerment and ensuring that they are given the choice to live a life free from abuse, violence and exploitation.

Meet Elca Grobler, the Founder of My Choices Foundation, an MBA graduate from South Africa, who feels compassionate about justice and giving back to the community by empowering women. After completing 15 years in the Financial Services sector, she decided to utilize her skills and experience to empower developing communities, joining Opportunity International Australia—a world leader in micro-finance in the developing world. She spent 3 years with the organization and shifted to India in the year 2011. There she met many women across India to understand their situations and needs. With every passing-by story and experience, she realized that she was stepping towards the greater good, hence she laid the foundation of My Choices Foundation. The first initiative taken by the foundation was

Operation Peacemaker. This initiative focuses its efforts on counseling, and resolving violence through mediation (counselling) and including every member of the family, including the perpetrator, in the process of establishing peace. Since its inception, My Choices Foundation has grown and established Operation Red Alert, addressing sex trafficking and the exploitation of women and girls in India. It commissioned an 18-month research paper (that won the ESOMAR Best Paper of the Year Award 2015-16), doing landscape analysis and studying the behavioral aspects on both the supply and demand side of sex trafficking.

My Choice Foundation 

My Choices Foundation is a non-profit organization based in India that aims to witness a transformation of the nation into a safe, peaceful, and flourishing place for women and girls, by empowering them with the awareness, education, and support they need to become their change agents. It addresses two of the most pervasive and intractable human rights abuses, domestic violence and anti-sex trafficking, through their two initiatives – Operation PeaceMaker and Operation Red Alert.

Operation PeaceMaker aims to stop domestic violence while promoting gender equality through sustainable grassroots programs that empower girls and women while addressing the issue of domestic violence by providing free counseling, legal and safe home services through their 5 counseling centres and 11 regional partners across India. Customized awareness programs are also conducted based on the demographics to be addressed.

Operation Red Alert created the Safe Village Program that aims at sensitizing at-risk community members about human trafficking risk factors, creating awareness about ways to prevent sex trafficking, sustaining the awareness, and empowering the community through Rakshaks, Nodal Teachers, and Gram Mitra concepts. Focused on rural India, this program includes innovative tools such as comic books and a national helpline. It is tailor-made with special messaging for each of the stakeholders to speak to their particular situation and provide powerfully relevant information and motivation to be safe. Moreover, The Safe Village Program uses an innovative technology called the Village Mapping Tool that helps identify villages that are at high risk for being on the radar of traffickers.

Moreover, My Choices Foundation is an 80% women-led organization and has a 100% women-led board. Equalizing any industry and making it more balanced, as it believes in empowering women and offering them the chances that they deserve.

Desire to Speak for the Oppressed 

Elca’s deep desire to speak for those that are most oppressed and for those that cannot speak for themselves was fueled by her experiences working in micro-finance. This desire for social justice, specifically for women and girls, acted as a seed that had grown in her heart for many years which eventually paved the path for the foundation. My Choices Foundation helps all women, children, and families get a life free from abuse and exploitation. It firmly believes that people will only attend counseling or awareness sessions if they trust the organization. “The leadership that they employ ensures that a culture of trust is instilled in the rest of the team and through this, they build their faith with the clients that they meet,” Elca adds.

Yet, the work done at My choices Foundation is difficult as the work deals with immense pain & suffering. “In the process hearts are repeatedly broken with grief that sits deep in the souls,” Elca states. But investing one’s energy in such work also makes one attain courage and the amazing thing about courage is that it is contagious. Elca believes that courage can change families and communities and villages and cities. For example, the courage of a 14-year old that phones the helpline, stating that her parent is forcing her into a child marriage, and can we please help her. It is this type of courage, resilience and beauty of these girls that inspires Elca and her team to get up every morning to stand up for them, especially when they can’t do it for themselves. “To transform themselves, but also those around themselves,” she continues.

Elca Grobler and her team have been given the privilege to step into thousands of families’ lives and help them slowly repair the broken pieces, and replace violence with peace. She states that most women do not have a choice to live a life without abuse and exploitation. They have to go back to their homes for the sake of the children and that displays true courage. The spirit of the human soul that does not give up can be reflected in the schoolgirl’s absolute commitment and courage to look after one another and not make the same mistake that their mothers made. “In most cases, this is not the mistake of the mothers, since they were born in this situation,” she states. “But to think about a girl who dreams of a better life and is willing to learn and sit by candlelight only to have a better future and be educated.

Future Endeavours

My choices foundation has successfully completed 10 years and is currently operating in 10 states. Further, she desires to deepen and expand the work of their two national helplines dealing with domestic violence and prevention of sex trafficking respectively.

Furthermore, she and her team envision giving women and children the choice to live lives free from abuse, violence, and exploitation. Their work has been impacting many lives thus, they are determined to grow in the next 10 years and ensure to make India free of inhuman activities. “Overcoming abuse doesn’t just happen, it takes positive steps every day. Let today be the day you start to move forward,” she concludes.

“We have to be willing to do uncomfortable things, to do inconvenient things—that’s when the world changes,” Bryan Stevenson

Awards & Accolades: 

  • 2015, eNGO Jury Special Mention for Women Empowerment. Awarded for online campaigning against gender-based violence.
  • 2016, Social Media for Empowerment Award Grand Jury Award for Women Empowerment. Awarded for the #Respect2Protect campaign.
  • 2016, ESOMAR Paper of the Year Award for excellence in Market Research. Awarded for the Red Alert Research Paper exploring the determinants of male behavior perpetuating sex trafficking.
  • 2017, 50 Most Impactful Social Innovators Award
  • 2017, AGSM Alumni Award for Social Impact and Public Policy
  • 2017, Notes to My Father, the world’s 1st VR documentary on sex-trafficking created in partnership with Oculus and Facebook made its world premier as an Official Selection at SXSW Film Festival.
  • 2017 Grassroots Justice Prize for The #WalkTogether Prize for Courage
  • 2018, Operation PeaceMaker chosen one of the top 5 ideas globally in the BridgeBuilder Challenge, organised by GHR Foundation
  • 2018, Global title of one of the 100 Sparks of Hope, The Elders
  • 2018, Elca Grobler was recognised as of the 100 most impactful CSR Leaders, by World CSR and World sustainability congress and World federation of CSR Professionals
  • 2019, Elca Grobler was recognised as of the 100 most impactful CSR Leaders, by World CSR and World sustainability congress and World federation of CSR Professionals
  • 2019, Winner of the Eastern Bhoomika 2019 Hyderabad edition for excellence in social work.
  • 2020, Elca Grobler was recognised as one of the 101 Impactful Global CSR Leaders, by World CSR and World sustainability congress and World federation of CSR Professionals
  • 2021, My Choices Foundation was awarded the 2021 Global Choice Award Certificate of Excellence for the Most Trusted NGO for Women Rights and Education
  • 2021, Elca Grobler was awarded the International Achievers’ Award in Recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement & Contribution in Nation Building by Indian Achievers’ Forum & CSR Tim

Please visit My Choices Foundation’s website for more information:


Witness Shubha Rawal, changing the Customary way of Businesses

Meet Shubha Rawal, a proficient, focus-driven, and decisive leader acting as Head-Sourcing at IG International Pvt. LtdShe has been associated with the company for the past 12 years. During her tenure, she has attended many professional development programs from premier institutions; Executive Education Program, Artificial Intelligence from Indian School of Business Hyderabad, Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategies from IIM Bangalore, Organizational Excellence Through Leadership from Delhi University, and many more to be updated and well-versed in the industry. She has opted to be a practical businesswoman and has developed absolute clarity for what she does. This has helped her professionally in achieving many milestones in her pathway.

Additionally, she manages Corporate Communications and Public Relations, Relationship Management with international business associates; manages end-to-end promotions for global brands in the fresh produce industry, among many others. Also, she is the running Head of IG Wrapple Street, the company’s newly launched retail venture.

Exemplary Offerings by IG

For more than 50 years, IG International has been a prominent leader in supplying fresh fruits all over India; making it the largest importer in the country. “We import premium fresh fruits, from established and leading growers all over the world, to a tune of more than 1,20,000 Metric Tons annually from around 22 countries,” she adds. The company equips a plethora of infrastructure of temperature-controlled warehousing spread across the country, a large cold-chain logistics of more than a hundred reefer trucks, and an organization aptly developed to support its business. In the central state of India, Madhya Pradesh, the company cultivates premium blueberries, licensed by Australia’s Mountain Blue for domestic market and exports. It also owns farms and orchards in states like Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, and Telangana to grow apples, kiwis, and other fruits. Moreover, its orchard-based fruit growing is spread across the globe, specifically cultivating cherries and apples in Czech Republic. It is also indulged in a logistics venture named IG Logistics providing third-party logistics in India.

Shubha Rawal and her team, recently, have offered a brand-new concept in the culinary world—IG Wrapple Street and Fruitisserie. It is a concept-eatery and a takeaway, first opened at Bandra, Mumbai. Like there are patisseries—Fruitisserie is about the unique assortment of gourmet desserts and delicacies with fruit as the core ingredient. The specialty of the place is its innovative Apple Wrapples. “Both IG Fruits and IG Wrapple Street have a robust online presence with fully developed e-commerce and eco-system,” she asserts with pride.

The promise of IG BRAND is the bond that holds its customers. IG’s commitment to bring them the best fruit of the world, farm fresh at their doorstep, anywhere and everywhere in India—is what ensures their patronage. “The quality and the taste they find in our fruits holds them with us for a very long time. It is something like—once an IG customer, always an IG customer,” she highlights.

A Glimpse into the Future

Going by our brand tagline, I would say our future is Fresh & Sweet, Always! That’s because the imported fruits category is growing its popularity in India, especially among the youth,” she mentions. “Even in smaller cities and towns, our fruits sell.” The health and nutrition aspect has increased the demand for health products propagating IG’s business. Imported fruits have become trail-blaze in India as these fruits are not only good to look at but also highly nutritious. Though the pandemic has hit almost every business in the market, it has miraculously boosted the demand as people’s choice of healthy options became a lifestyle aspiration. This may secure the targeted market but, securing market share is more essential. She optimistically feels in aiming to capitalize on this market opportunity for the company.

Moreover, she and her team are excited about IG Wrapple Street, as this venture will be a trendsetter in the Fruitisserie business. It is futuristic, youthful and healthy, and meant for today’s consumer, and people like it. “We had an encouraging start with our first café and we have clear blueprints of our expansion in near future,” she says. Hopefully, the business will be available across the places in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, and other metro cities. Whereas, the company is already available on eCommerce and blooming robustly as the demand increases. “Health is going to stay and so is the demand,” she says.

Note-worthy bits of Advice

Shubha Rawal recommends that, first and foremost, the companies should lean towards the merit of meritocracy by defying any discrimination, especially gender’s, whatsoever. They must realize that man or woman can do any work with equal efficiency. It is this belief that forms the core of gender equality at the workplace. She desires that every company should change its mindset to eradicate any sort of gender discrimination. “From the top person to the most bottom level, gender sensitivity and gender equality must be promoted throughout,” she emphasizes. She further utters, women employees should be given equal opportunities to work breaking the gender barrier and supports teamwork in the organization. She also comprehends prioritizing safety of women employees in enterprises by taking appropriate measures like adequate surveillance and security within and around the office premises. Also, strict compliance of prevention, prohibition and redressal of harassment of women at workplace and companies should assure the women workers of its commitment to adherence to zero tolerance policies.

She understands the obstacles a businesswoman might face while building the success path for herself. Amidst such instances, Shubha Rawal advises one to be authentic and not try to force-fit oneself in any kind of mold. “Always remember, you are who you are. Be your own voice. You don’t need to prove yourself every time.” She recommends one to march confidently and grasp every opportunity put forth. “During these timesit’s important to remember why you started to begin with. Focus, prioritize and things will fall in places. After all, it’s not that difficult,” she concludes. 

Quote: “Enjoy the sweet fruit of your work every day and don’t store it for future use. It’ll just rot.

The New Era of Business – What’s More to it? By Prerna Sinha

Covid – 19 was a shock to mankind, but a grace to Mother Earth. Humanity collapsed, and nature rose…Mankind was forced to stay indoors after going through decades of globalisation, commercialisation and more. The shock and the fear resulting from the pandemic shook the earth, unprecedented in the history of mankind. Yet the ‘Phoenix’ was preparing to rise…

Businesses collapsed, industries shut and millions lost their jobs. In the middle of all this, the e-commerce sector rose like a ‘Phoenix’. The pandemic created a huge demand in the market, that was being catered to by the e-commerce sector. According to a study, the Indian e-commerce sector is set to grow at least 80% in the next 4 years, the impact brought on by Covid-19.

E-commerce sector was flourishing even before the pandemic, however there is a need to relook at the business strategies for the sector after covid-19. The tectonic shift in this sector has also called for some major changes in the way businesses operate. Some of the strategies, that are in line with sustainability that need to be adopted are mentioned below:

  1. Sustainability the big way – There is a need to ‘introduce ‘sustainability’ as a business strategy by all firms irrespective of their industry. E-commerce firms definitely need to focus on ‘sustainable’ products. Any product/service that is in alignment with nature would be the need of the hour. Sustainability, in all forms – business models to packaging products has become increasingly important after the pandemic has hit almost every family living on earth. Promoting and selling ecological products will nourish Mother Earth and go a long way! Consumers’ approach towards health and wellness will lead to them preferring sustainable products over others.
  2. Leaders as ‘Compassionate Mothers’   Taking cues from Mother Earth who always nurtures its people, leaders also need to reshape their personalities, and play the role of compassionate mothers in the lives of their teams/ people. The leaders must create a ‘trusting & transparent’ environment, ensuring there is trust amongst teams. Trust,  during these times can be one of the ‘winning’ strategies. In times of uncertainty it’s very obvious for ‘people’ to feel lost and unmotivated. Along with this, if the organisation doesn’t trust them their mental health and immunity can be compromised.
  3. Empathy as a strategy 90% of those who are working from home are doing it for the first time. While the leaders/ bosses may get insecure about their ‘people’ it is not the right time to display such insecurity. They are struggling with the ‘perfect’ phone/ internet connection (*pun intended). Or they may be trying to help their mothers/ wives in wrapping up a household which has mounted a double fold in the absence of the household help or they may be trying to soothe a restless child who is frustrated being home. Organisations need to ensure an ‘empathetic’ view towards the employees. The more empathy that’s shown towards ‘people’ at this stage will ensure they stay performing in these times. Isn’t ‘performance’ that one thing the organisation is expecting from its people?
  4. Dynamic & Sturdy Logistics While e-commerce is progressing at the speed of lightning, those cardboard boxes and plastic packaging are creating tons of waste that end up in landfills worldwide annually. The e-commerce firms need to revamp their logistics system, making it dynamic, sturdy and eco-friendly. Organisations need to give their packaging a complete makeover, and source sustainable and ecological packaging materials.
  5. Eco-friendly approaches in the supply chain Organisations need to adopt eco-friendly approaches in all areas of business, including supply chain. Using materials that are recyclable, implementing processes that are sustainable will help the organisations contribute to a happy and healthy planet.
  6. Make shipping environment friendly – Developing an environment friendly shipping solution for transporting goods will help the firms stand for ‘environment’. Firms must educate and convince the consumers to even pay extra for environment friendly shipping cost.
  7. Optimisation of Waste Management E-commerce firms need to optimise their waste management, and eliminate the packaging waste. ‘ Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ mantra needs to be followed by one and all. 

Our planet needs our attention and care, since today’s world is dominated by businesses they can be the change makers! Changing the way business operates, the way employees are treated, the way nature is preserved. E-commerce, the Phoenix, has disrupted the way people shop, eat, travel and live. Am sure, it can also change the way our planet feels 🙂

Author: Prerna Sinha, Founder of Urbane Essence.

Pandemic greatly Affecting Women in Business

Throughout the country, businesses suffered supply chain interruptions, demand for their products and services declined, and shortages occurred as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Meanwhile, the federal government launched programs designed to keep workers on payrolls. This Spotlight-on-Statistics looks at the pandemic’s impact on businesses and workers in the private sector. That said, we can undoubtedly state the challenges a leader has to face during such times, especially women. Women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. However, you may not have realised the magnitude of this dilemma. It’s enormously significant—a colossal toll. Women’s domestic experiences, health, employment, and economic well-being have all suffered. And the pandemic has not only hampered women in the present, but it has also harmed their prospects in the future. Due to historical challenges women have faced concerning access to finance and gender roles, women entrepreneurs have continued to struggle during the pandemic in spite of the coronavirus limitations.

A pandemic-related economic hardship has forced people to adjust their priorities because of the shock caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. In those sectors that have been affected by the pandemic, women-led enterprises have been more likely to thrive. Retail and wholesale trade, areas in which women-led firms thrive, have been adversely affected by dwindling demand for services. Because of measures taken to prevent the spread of infections, including lockdowns, businesses have less opportunity to make sales when shoppers go in person.

The coronavirus has made life even more challenging for women whose work-life balance is challenging. Globally, women, both at home and on the job, are bearing the brunt of the pandemic, according to a recent study. People worldwide were forced to change how they worked, lived, and learned because of this Covid. While taking care of routine household duties, women are often expected to facilitate children’s online learning. Due to the pandemic, women are also feeling pressured to work more, which leads to burnout and exhaustion. Women should continue to bestow their creative ability and provide clients with value. They provide long-term growth for your business depends on finding opportunities for sustainability. They recognize that the pandemic has posed challenges for all businesses and consider new revenue streams while remaining engaged with their current customers.

Many international thinkers and groups are promoting the advancement of women entrepreneurs worldwide. Female entrepreneurs have access to a variety of programs, small business grants, and numerous resources through these organizations. Many organizations advocate for gender equality and empowerment of women. They include United Nations Women, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, the International Women’s Think Tank, the International Center for Research on Women, the Guttmacher Institute, and more.

Being a woman, if you are looking for a change to propagate in business, you must first change your perspective and acknowledge that no one is perfect when it comes to work-life balance. One must establish clear boundaries and learn to divide the workload. Moreover, make time for flexibility and self-care; it is been believed that personal connections are even more important than communication skills. Maybe a colleague or a friend that can help you with your new venture; maybe you know someone who can put you in touch with investors. You never know who can help you in business, which is why networking is so important. Make connections and put them to good use.


For Female/Women in Business: How to attain success?

It is likely to state that women business personalities face comparatively more obstacles than men. This has unfortunately made difficult for aspiring women to achieve a sustainable success. Women encounter higher difficulties in acquiring business capital. They manage houses, births, maternity leaves, and other concerns while also maintaining a company. Even in affluent nations like the United States, women-owned companies outweigh men-owned firms. Women entrepreneurs must take use of various women-specific initiatives, methods, and techniques if they want to be successful. All of these topics, as well as business finance through small company grants for women, will be covered in this article.

Small Businesses

Several types of government subsidies are available to assist women in breaking down barriers and overcoming gender inequities that prevent them from operating successful enterprises like male entrepreneurs. These awards help women launch new enterprises or improve the operations of existing ones. The Girlboss Foundation Grant, Eileen Fisher Women-Owned Business Grant, Cartier Women’s Initiative Award, The Amber Grant, and others are among them. Each of these awards has its own set of qualifications as well as a specified amount that successful candidates will receive. Before applying for any of them, make sure to read over their prerequisites.

Look for Support

Whether confronted with a task that we don’t know how to finish, there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete, or we just can’t do it, learning to ask for help may reveal our strengths, not our weaknesses. We squander time and effort when we refuse to ask for assistance, especially in business. If you, as a female entrepreneur, must learn to believe in themselves by not seeking approval or acceptance from others. Women entrepreneurs who believe in themselves become confident and, as previously said, devoted to overcoming setbacks or adversities. You may start to overcome your limiting beliefs after you’ve identified them; start challenging and questioning those beliefs. Make a list of as many reasons as you can for why a belief is false, and then follow it up with one of those reasons every time it occurs to you.

Learning Never Stops

Learning new things is the basic trait every female entrepreneur and business owner. Continual learning, whether it’s honing an existing skill or acquiring a new one, creates opportunities for improvement, new ideas, and opportunities. Surrounding yourself with people who succeed at something you don’t is one of the best methods to learn from others. Finding a mentor, joining a mastermind group, or forming a board of directors before starting a new business or initiative are all worthwhile options.

You may use a strong personal brand to increase the exposure of your firm. Even the greatest visionary Steve Jobs controlled Apple, yet his personal brand aided in the promotion of the company. By establishing a strong personal brand, you enable others to see you as a thought leader and, as a result, trust your business.

Believe in yourself

When you spend too much time attempting to impress others, you lose sight of yourself, which can lead to you doubting your own ideas and derailing your business objectives. One of the most difficult aspects of being a successful woman in any field is living in a world that does not value success. Women who are driven and accomplished are frequently looked down upon, and their achievements are minimised. In a society when women have few seats at key tables, it’s crucial to take a seat. Enduring such instances is one of the most difficult and yet crucial skills a woman in any job can acquire, but being approachable is as important.

To Conclude

All of the elements stated above will give women the boost they need to become successful businesswomen. Whether you’re a woman, do some further research to see if there are any small business grants for women or other perks available in your area or location. Thankfully, the internet connects individuals from all over the world, so you can take use of most of them regardless of where you are.

Sarah Lines: Answer your Awakening with Sarah Lines through Goddess Alchemy Academy

Meet Sarah LinesFounder of Goddess Alchemy Academy, an influential leader who enhances your awakening and helps you explore an unexpected yet beautiful journey of spirituality. She leads visionary women into superconscious creation., she assists them to awaken the goddess within and shine their light to the world. She offers an exceptional experience where these women are able to manifest the life and business they desire.

A compassionate leader

Sarah describes herself as a soul-driven and heart-centered individual, who is very much fond of cats. Through her work, she helps spiritual entrepreneurs on their mission disrupt the old paradigms to more deeply connect with their inner being and activate their purpose. As a Soul Coach and channel, she assists visionary women to become a superconscious creation and catapulting them into a new energy of radiance, abundance and purpose-driven lives.

Sarah Lines admires discipline. She understands that well-being requires a perfect blend of compassion with discipline to motivate oneself every day. She wakes up at 7 am, without delay, to help her son who has special needs, and help him to ready for school. At 8 am, she spends an hour having coffee, attaining peace, meditating, and talking to her spirit team about the day ahead. Later after an hour till 10 am, she integrates her energy in office-related work and where she facilitates a meeting or prepares for presentations or launches. The rest of the day she spends with her son and cats, whom she loves the most, and channelizes her energy towards peace of mind state. Through her daily routine, she encourages women to follow their call and accept their well-being at first. It was Sarah’s soul calling to go big, to help women across the globe birth their dreams into reality.

Be the Goddess with the Goddess

Her company—Goddess Alchemy Academy is an educational, healing school for women who want to ascend in their life and business. She and her team teach women how to achieve success and 5 figure months while living their soul mission. Her clients are dedicated to changing their typical early lifestyle to accept their spiritual calling. Her clients are female spiritual entrepreneurs and are ready to create their dream life through sharing their sacred purpose work with the world. These clients are aware of the honesty Sarah Lines offers on the platter and she will never break integrity to win popularity. She always advises everyone, to tell the truth, be authentic and serve their purpose wholeheartedly. Her team understands that she must maintain the integrity and be heart-centered when dealing with any aspect of her business. “Good Intention, honesty and soul-service is very important to me,” she asserts.

She, too, encountered difficulties along the way and did not change course. She stayed soul-aligned and followed the next right thing to do each month. In 2014. Sarah Lines was homeless and was suffering from addiction, but she found her awakening and changed her life altogether. She lived her life in poverty, addiction and despair thus wanted to share how possible transformation is. Because she truly believes that it’s possible for anyone. It was her determination that helped her in achieving many milestones in her pathway, she says, “I never considered giving up. Ever.” She has consistently released blocks, beliefs, and people in the way of her success. “Anything not of my highest good – goes,” she adds. She always has a coach at any given or specific time, as it is very important for her to have someone that carries out the functioning and holds her space in her absence.

With over 4 books published, she has become a multi-best-selling author on Amazon with books also being published by Lovely Silks and Austin Macauley. She was always fond of writing and thus she invested her energy and time into it. She states that each one of us could live from our hearts— “we truly could change the world through successful heart-centered entrepreneurship,” she adds.

Insight worth Appreciating 

Being a self-help enthusiast, she suggests every individual, suffering and non-suffering, to not give up on his/her ambitions or life. Rather one must furiously adapt to an ideology to be optimistic and apply decisiveness to evolve. He/she must fabricate a growth strategy that depicts a crystal-clear notion of one’s approach and try to sustain that strategy. Whereas, if a business aspirant desires to make a name and influence others with the work, then he/she should also implicate the above-discussed points. One must offer all of the energy to make prevail in achieving their ambitions and set an example for others to follow. She suggests leaders never back down from an opportunity and invest whenever seems fit. Lastly, she also mentions her favorite book Secrets of a Millionare Mind by T Harv Ecker, and recommends every individual to read this masterpiece as it assists them in the early bit of entrepreneurship. “I loved it. I still go back to it,” she highlights.

She comprehends the sufferings of the less fortunate and feels compassionate towards helping them. She desires to become to secret millionaire so that she can help such individuals across the globe and end their sufferings. She paraphrases Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Moreover, she is at the beginning stages of planting a forest in partnership with tree-nation., and desires to contribute towards the well-being of the environment.

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