Triumph Launches A Used Bike Program in India in October 2020

Triumph motorcycles is a large UK based Motorcycle Company that has a large presence in the motorcycle market in India. It has a range of motorcycles which it sells all over the world and also in India. Currently, it is a premium motorcycle seller in India and sells 13 products in different motorcycle categories across the country. They have, however, added a new type of business to their retail sales in India in light of the present situation. Triumph is now going to launch a used bikes program that will target first-time buyers to help the company tide this current situation.

  • COVID 19 Pandemic

2020 has been one of the most challenging for businesses across the world because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Millions have contracted the virus, many have died and tens of millions across the world have either lost their jobs or have seen a substantial reduction in their wealth portfolio. The automobile industry, especially the premium automobile sector of the industry has seen degrowth due to the coronavirus outbreak. Triumph has seen their motorcycles being sold at a similar level as last year so far but this could change. The economic rebound is likely to take some time and so Triumph has introduced a used bike program in the meantime.

  • Launch of the Used Bike Programs

Currently, Triumph sells 13 types of motorcycles across India. They are now going to launch a used bike program by the end of October 2020 in just 3 dealerships across India. They have plans to increase this program to 10 dealership locations by December. They have launched this program because despite the COVID 19 prices, they want this year to be a busy calendar year and they want to achieve a target of 20-25% growth over last year in India.

  • How This Program Will Work

Triumph has sold a lot of bikes to Indian customers over the last few years. They will put up a scheme to buy back Triumph motorcycles from the public and then they will upgrade these bikes, fix them in such a way that they can be sold again. These bikes will then be ‘Triumph approved’ and will be sold to new customers as used bikes with warranty. When Triumph sells new bikes, it provides the customers with 2-year warranties for new motorcycles and the plan is to provide one year warranty for these used bikes. Customers who want to buy used bikes from Triumph can make inquires about these bikes through the dealer network.

  • Future Plans for Triumph in India

Triumph retails 13 Premier motorcycles in India and in the next year it also has plans to launch several new products, including the 650 cc Trident Motorcycle in India. It currently operates through a dealership network of 14 dealerships across India. It also has plans to add two more dealerships in India, probably one in the South and one in the East. The growth forecast for Triumph motorcycles in India is ambitious and they are conducting business in such a way that they are not letting the current pandemic situation deter them from their goals in India.

5 Gym Accessories Must-Have to Boost Your Confidence Along with Fitness Clothing

One of the daily routines of many people’s lives is going to the gym. Many people visit the gym daily or many times a week as it is one of the best ways to remain active and stay fit. Many people are also looking to join the gym but do not know much about the accessories required and what it is like to join a gym and visit the gym regularly.

To boost the confidence of the people joining the gym, it is a smart choice to know the type of gym accessories required while joining a gym. Nowadays there are many trendy and fashionable options available in the market for fitness clothing.

The following are 5 must have gym accessories that help boost confidence for people to visit the gym:

5 Must Have Gym Accessories

  • Gym Bag

The most obvious type of gym accessories that are needed for joining and going to the gym is a duffle bag that can be used as a gym bag. There are various items that people carry to the gym that includes towels, water bottles, smartphones, snack bars, and other items. The good handy gym bag is the perfect accessory and to be trendy it should be a stylish bag that matches the women’s workout clothes.

  • Deodorant

One of the best ways to boost confidence in a person is a good deodorant or perfume. This means that carrying a deodorant is a very important gym accessory while visiting the gym. Workout clothes tend to get sweaty and stinky after a regular workout. So using a strong deodorant before and after a workout helps people smell good in the gym which helps in boosting confidence in the gym.

  • Towel

As mentioned above, going to the gym is about working out and exercising at the gym. Gyms make people feel sweaty and dirty after a long workout. Many times people also have a shower after the gym. It is a good idea to carry a towel to the gym also for just wiping off the sweat at the gym.

  • Resistance Bands

There are resistance bands that are used for different types of exercises at the gym. Gyms provide these bands but many people prefer to use their own resistance bands. People buy resistance bands with fitness clothing as it is a great confidence booster to be prepared before visiting the gym.

  • Running Shoes

Some workout sessions like cardio training on the treadmills need good quality running shoes. Whether people visiting the gym are wearing yoga clothes or other types of clothes, footwear is also a major accessory.

There is a long list of gym accessories that a person can carry to the gym. Some women like to carry makeup, some men like to carry energy drinks and most people like to carry their smartphones to the gyms. The above mentioned top accessories are the basic types of accessories needed for people who want to visit the gym in a confident way.

What Education Might Look Like in a Post Pandemic World?

The coronavirus pandemic ultimately shaped the world in a matter of weeks and has made every sector of the economy rethink their business models. One of the fields which did very well over the last few years is the education sector. In almost all developed and developing countries, higher education, foreign education, education at top institutes and some professional degrees have helped educational institutions mint money over the last two decades. Before the pandemic students were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for degrees in top universities.

Pandemic Influence on Educational Institutions

The new academic year starts from between June and September of 2020, and most top institutes like Cambridge in the UK and ISB Hyderabad have started classes online. Most universities all over the world are expected to create online courses, and the college campus experience is non-existent in most places around the world. Till the coronavirus pandemic ends, educational institutions cannot function in the usual way, and this disruption will have a lasting impact on education in a post-pandemic world. The following are some ways how education might change in the post-pandemic world:

Education in the Post Pandemic World

Change in Business Model for Top Institutes

The decentralization of education has taken place over the last few decades. It means that there are more and more universities and colleges opening and education not concentrated in only IIMs, IITs, or Ivy League Schools. This pandemic will shut down many colleges and will again make the top schools with large endowments more popular. These schools like Harvard, Oxford, and other top schools will try to expand their student base and will control education in a much more centralized way.

The Hybrid Educational Model

The universities and colleges that survive the pandemic will likely have a campus experience, and an online experience degree offered to students. The fee structures will have to be reworked after the pandemic as students will not pay exorbitant fees for their degrees. The campus social distant experience in colleges could have an expensive fee structure. Hundreds of thousands of students could also get the same degree online at a much cheaper rate from top universities around the world. There will be no geographical limitations on education.

Investment in Education

Digital access is critical for education in the future as online education will become an essential part of education. Investment in new methods of education and also in educational apps is likely to increase over the next few years. Many corporate businesses looking for sectors to make new investments after the pandemic are likely to look at the changing education sector soon.

Adult Education Online

Educational degrees in the traditional sense are likely to change in the future. This means that as the world changes, old degrees will become outdated, and people will have to keep taking refresher courses in their fields every year to learn new aspects of their profession. Adult education is likely to flourish after the pandemic.

The COVID 19 crisis has changed the world, and education is likely to ultimately see overall as universities and colleges will learn to adapt to a new post-pandemic world.

How to Use LinkedIn for Business Marketing

LinkedIn is a leading professional platform on the global level. It has a powerful social media tool that can immensely help founders, digital marketers and start-up firms. It allows you to create connections and flourish your business efficiently.

Earlier, LinkedIn was used just to maintain professional contacts but these days it has greatly evolved for business marketing. LinkedIn has a refined audience that is eager to absorb information, is open to a new possibility in learning as well as career development. And you can connect with global business leaders; check their entire professional profile while sitting at your desk.

This level of evolution was unthinkable in the last century. It is just awesome and every company should take benefits from the growth and evolution of LinkedIn.

Here is a quick guide on using LinkedIn for business marketing successfully:

First Step- Get Started

  • Signup on LinkedIn, if you are not already a member
  • Now, create a LinkedIn profile focused on how your business can be helpful for other people. Avoid a boring profile; try to create a profile that attracts people to you.
  • It is better to create a LinkedIn company page. Here you can easily set up a business page as you finish the resume section of your personal LinkedIn profile.

Second Step- Passive LinkedIn Marketing

Building a successful LinkedIn profile means creating connections and keeping your account updated to reassure potential clients. Here you need to work on passive LinkedIn marketing that will bring multiple opportunities, like:

  • More Exposures: The search feature of LinkedIn allows a person who is looking for what you offer to find your profile and go through eh offing.
  • Introduction to Potential Clients: You can check your friends’ and colleagues references when looking and messaging potential clients.

Step Three: Proactive LinkedIn Marketing

Take maximum advantages from the different features of LinkedIn. Here are some easy ways:

  • Status Updates: Update your status on a regular basis, keep posting status updates, brief statements that can be useful for your connections. Publish image, links, videos, presentations and other contents related to your brand.
  • Participate in Groups: Join the LinkedIn Groups that are related to your business. Take part in the discussion it will help you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Avoid spamming; try to be a resource people can trust.
  • LinkedIn Advertising: If you are okay for some investments, try Paid advertising on LinkedIn. It is one of the best effective marketing techniques to take your brand in front of potential clients quickly.
  • Upgrade to Paid LinkedIn Membership: There are some tiers to select from that can provide you with some additional contact options and other benefits that may be beneficial for you. Upgrade your profile to paid LinkedIn membership to avail those extra advantages. You can start with the free trial of their pad features.

Bottom Link

Add LinkedIn in your marketing strategy, to expand your network, get potential customers and create a professional reputation for your business.

Important Instagram Marketing Tips for Startups

Are you a start-up using Instagram to market your business?

This time, Instagram is growing rapidly and has become one of the most powerful social media platforms. Large follower counts and massive engagement rate prove that the Instagram account is important for building an audience for your brand. The higher the engagement rate is, the more traffic can be driven to other social channels and website.

But for this, you need to optimize your posts and focus on creating a unique marketing message. Here are several tips that can help you gain traction in the short term and thus make this marketing channel profitable.

Use Right Hashtags to Expand Your Reach

Hastags play a major role in increasing your brand’s reach on Instagram. Focus on relevant hashtags that include your brand name and punch line.

Once, your start-up becomes famous, more people will use your hashtags and buy products from your company.

5 Upcoming Trends About Instagram Marketing in 2022

Instagram Stories for Brand Narrative

Instagram stories give an amazing user experience. You can upload off-the-cut images and videos to your Instagram story and create a buzz for 24 hours.

With Instagram Stories, you can target new audiences. Your account on Instagram is like a mini-TV channel for your brand, take advantage of its features and create viral contents.

Work with Influencers

On Instagram, working with influencers can generate a massive buzz for your offerings. Influencers help you to create a positive identity and great reputation for your start-up. Check follower counts and engagement before working with any particular influencer.

Have a Unique Theme

If you want to get solid followers on Instagram, create your profile with a consistent and unique theme. Instagram marketing is not limited to the number of followers or likes but this platform is about telling stories and showcasing compelling messages.

Show your brand’s uniqueness through your creativity in Instagram posts, highlight and stories.

Offers Discounts

By offering exclusive deals on Instagram, you can see an increment in your ROI. Come up with offers for Instagram followers and special deals, giveaways and freebies.

Go Live

Once, you create a base on Instagram, try to go live on a regular basis. It helps you to connect with followers, ask them questions.

On live, you can share words about your latest products or services, new releases, etc. Besides, you can ask for people’s feedback about your offering.

Go for Instagram Ads

When you are focusing on different marketing strategies, you must consider Instagram ads. There are numerous advertising options for an Instagram account holder to choose from. Photos ads and videos ads are standard Instagram posts.

Also, Carousel ads are slideshow ads for various aims. The feeds or the stories ads are the most effective Instagram ads.

Use Analytics

Keep an eye on the results from your promotions, posts and ads. Track how many views your posts generate. There are various types of tools that are helpful in tracking, monitoring and analyzing Instagram posts. It allows you to channelize your promotional strategies easily.

So that’s it on Instagram Marketing Tips. Focus on providing value to people and offer value and creativity in ways that can capture attention.

As a start-up, your ultimate goal should be building a brand that speaks for itself!

5 Tips to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

In theory, working from home sounds fantastic- you can sleep whenever you want, wear whatever you like and make yourself a tasty meal. But practically, working from home is full of challenges, at home you get a ton of distractions, it’s tough to create boundaries and easily grab a lot of snacks when you feel stressed.

Creating a healthy work-life balance is hard enough when you working in an office all day, but it can be harder even when work and life are happening in the same place. That’s why; it becomes more important to prioritize your physical, mental and emotional health by following healthy habits at home. Follow these 5 tips to stay healthy while working from home:

Keep Moving

Gym and other fitness places may be closed during this pandemic. But there are various ways by which you can involve in physical activity at home. Don’t sit for a long period, get up after every hour and take some walk.

Besides, keep in mind that you can still go outside, so enjoy some fresh air by going for a walk or run in the early morning. The main point is to keep your body and mind refreshed.

Focus on Healthy Food

When you are working from home, you easily fall into the habit of mindless snacking. And if you are surrounded by sweet treats and unhealthy munchies all day, this is much more tempting to eat those.

Switch your snacks from this unhealthy stuff to fruits, energy bites, and protein bats.

Dedicated Work Space

If you have a spare room in your home turn that into an office space. If not, create a dedicated space in your home for office space. It can be a corner in your bedroom, kitchen table … anywhere!

No doubt, your “office” is your laptop; this is very helpful to have a space that you assign as your workspace. You get great motivation, a certain feeling from an organized, designated space for working.

Breaks While Working

Maybe you have a long to-do list but don’t let it send your stress levels soaring. Fix goals for every day and when you tackle those projects take breaks.

While working from home, you might be working on a different schedule than you had into his offices. It means you have to schedule breaks at a specific time. Take breaks as fixed so you can productively build your day from the beginning.

Take Proper Rest

When you work remotely, sleep schedules can be affected as you try and adjust. You need to understand that following the same wake time and bedtime are important aspects of self-care because they bring sleep quality. Otherwise, you get yourself groggy throughout the day and huge fluctuations in energy.

Last Verdict

Hopefully, these 5 Tips to Stay Healthy While Working from Home are useful as you navigate life working from home. Set up a schedule and balance your life to have a happy work-from-home experience.

Important Steps to Prevent and Prepare for Coronavirus

As the coronavirus is spreading across the world, one of the top questions people are asking is how can we prevent it from spreading? It is a really stressful time, to be sure- but there are easier specific steps you can take to protect yourself and others from getting infected.

Here’s what you need to know to take the right step to plan, prepare and even prevent the spread of the disease.

Stay at Home

When you are not feeling well, stay at your home. Try to limit how much time you spend out in public or around others. It is not usual for us to be living this way, but is one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of germs.

Have a conversation at your home and if possible take work from home. Walk or travel by car instead of public transportation whenever possible and avoid travelling for leisure.

If you have symptoms of the common cold or flu and are a healthy person with no medical issue, you need to stay home. If you live with others, let your housemates handle the cleaning, cooking, and laundry and isolate yourself in your area.

Maintain Distance

Whether you are under the weather or feeling fine, it is great to hit pause on all kinds of touching means kissing, handshakes, hugging, high fives, elbow rubs, and fist bumps. Keep this in mind that cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and then instantly wash your hands. It will help prevent the spread of germs or viral particles.

Keep Disinfecting

Sanitize al common use surfaces bathrooms, remotes, computers with disinfectant wipes or spray. Always clean your phone.

Take Your Stress Level Down

Stress badly hits our immune system so, try to stay calm. Avoid arguing with people on Social sites that add another layer of stress, and try to limit your time on social media so you can avoid misinformation and constant bad news.

Get enough resent, eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, hydrate and do proper physical activities.

Be Smart about Travel

Medical experts are advising to avoid nonessential travel. In case, you cannot escape your travel, try to avoid contact with sick people and clean their hands often by washing with soap and water for 20 seconds.

Check your health insurance to see if it covers international travel coverage. If you have planned a cruise or overseas travel, keep the possibility of being caught on a ship or over a border when the decision is being made, which could limit or disrupt your travel.

Additional Steps

·       Have a supply of food staples and household supplies such as bathroom items, detergent, and diapers.

·       Make sure you have at least a 30-day supply of your prescription medications and have other health supplies on hand including pain relievers, cough, cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes and vitamins.

·       Help family members and neighbours get prepared and share the safety messaging with those who may not have access to it.

Benefits of Natural Fibres and Organic Clothing for Womens

You are always encouraged to eat natural foods, have you ever gave a thought for what you wear? Picking out the right choices at the clothing store for your family and yourself can be a challenging task for some. Versatility with respect to design of garment makes a customer more puzzled while purchasing a cloth. But the stuff it is made from should be the priority of a customer. Some may not wonder because their clothes fulfills their checklist of four elements- appearance, comfort, size and price. But the alert is, you should know that 60% of what comes in contact with the skin is unswervingly absorbed into your bodies. That implies, whatever you cover yourself with will eventually gets carried into your blood stream. So, it’s always best to go with Natural and Organic Fabrics instead of synthetic fabrics.

Significance of Natural and Organic Fabric to Women

And when we are talking about Natural and Organic Fabric, it is an important concern for women. Clothing is both woman’s means to show and to hide. It covers the most intimate parts of their body but simultaneously contribute a means to parade woman’s best clothing to show off.

However, neither everyone is identical nor their choices with what they are comfortable in wearing. Unfortunately, cloth materials are present in varied quality, in which some could result to health issues. And particularly to woman’s delicate body, it is more vulnerable to allergies and skin diseases. Therefore, inclination for opting natural and organic fibre like wool, cotton, bamboo, linen etc is fair.

Why to Choose Natural and Organic Fabric Over Artificial Fabric

Natural and Organic Fabrics is a better investment as synthetic clothing fibres has numerous toxic chemicals and neither it is sustainable as it is made of non-renewable resources. Synthetic fibres asks for a number of processes and range of toxic chemicals, in order to designed and dyed. Out of which, many of them are flammable or carcinogenic, which is a matter of concern for upcoming textile industry if these elements remains longer.

Products made from natural and organic fibres tend to bode for a longer time and also biodegradable which makes our Earth too healthier and happier. This is a crucial step towards the brighter future of Earth. Because we know that, to curb the most polluting industry, i.e textile industry has become the need of the hour.

Influence of Natural and Organic Fabric on Fashion Industry

Let’s unveil the interesting part that will spur you to switch to natural fibre clothing is that they use natural dyeing processes,  that enhance the color of fabrics. There is mount seen in usage of clothes made from natural fibres because various rectification has been made, when eco-fashion movements is talked about. Women gets thrilled when the clothes they wear are from prominent fashion houses and designers, and now these prominent people are getting included into the eco-fashion movements. At various ethical fashion shows, collections presented by these designers could be seen with the influence of choosing natural fibres over artificial, promoting sustainability.

Why to go with Bamboo and Cotton Fibres in particular

With their sensitive skins, cotton and bamboo are very popular among babies and their moms. Cultivation of organic cotton without pesticides, synthetic chemical fertilizers and growth regulators, bamboo’s properties like rapid growth with lesser moisture requirement and these fibres easy affordability make them choose over costly natural fibres like silk, linen, etc.

Organic cotton and bamboo fabrics have chock full of exceptional facets like, these fibres not only feel good but also they are interwoven well, yet extremely soft and breathable. It gives you elite feeling with lightweight stuff yet with protection and warmth.

There is misconception with respect to how these clothes look, unbleached cotton or baggy, hemp, beige — but reality differs, natural-fibres clothing is available in wider colors and styles. And the better part is natural attributes of these fabrics makes the dye hold better than man-made artificial fibres

With a renewed resolve, risking less to your body with natural-fibre made clothing and taking better care of Mother Earth, find yourselves restoring old techniques that keep natural-fabric clothes on-going.

Google Drive Is Bringing Tremendous Transformations In Education Sector

With the increased use of personalized devices in 1-1 programs across the education sector, the temptation is to think that technology will be the main conduit through which learning will take place. It is bringing exciting possibilities offered by adaptive learning programs that offer glimpses to a horizon in which personalized learning can be found, through which personalized devices provide content directly to the student.

A surprisingly strong candidate among these technological developments has been cloud-based office productivity tools. While lacking the glamour of big data, adaptive learning system, solutions Google Drive, Office 365, or to a lesser extent, iCloud, provide far more to schools than simply another method of word processing or spreadsheets. It presents real-time collaboration. Google Drive is a game-changer that educational practitioners have been seeking when considering 21st Century Skills in their classroom.

In this ultra-modern age, students know more about the digital age than we do, and are eager to experience in their classroom. But while modern technology has greatly enhanced our lives and made tasks easier, let’s face it, the teacher’s time is still a precious commodity. That is where Google Drive will work like an invaluable time saver and support students writing process.

Google Doc is just like an online version of the Microsoft Word suite, but it is free and has real-time sharing and collaborating abilities. And, Google Drive works as a management and storage system for the documents and a place to store other types of files in the cloud-like photos and videos.

Today, kids are excited to use Google suites in the classroom because it is the technology of their generation; easier and simple. With Google Drive, teachers can give their students a Process Checklist so that they are held accountable for their time and efforts. And, as document saved on Drive, they can refer to it at any time.

Once students stand writing each work is instantly saved. Now, teachers will not have to hear, “I lost my rough draft,” or “I cannot find my paper”. Time for hunting, looking or wasting time rewriting what was already completed. Students can easily access their Drive anywhere there’s Internet access, whether on a computer or device.

The writing process is not linear; it is changing, shifting, refocusing and going back and many more. Google Docs is completely a flexible tool that allows students to easily access, edit, collaborate and revise using the programs.

Once Students finish assignments, teachers can read it and make comments directly on the digital papers. The students will get an email notification that their documents have been evaluated and available for viewing.

Time is something that cannot be created. There is a fixed payment; it does not grow when the workloads increased. But students need support to get improved. Google Drive is an amazing solution to enhance the student’s writing and saves teacher’s time.

Top Universities For Master In Banking And Finance Across The World

Master in finance can be become a stepping stone to enter into any renowned organization across the world. And, studying managing finance and having a thorough understanding of economics is one of the sought-after fields in the MBA. Furthermore, every firm in the world needs a strong financial manager for sure. That is why the demand for management finance professional is on high. Besides, banking is one rapidly transforming field in the global scenario.

Studying in reputed universities add up so much to the career. In this modern era, the name of the college itself opens the opportunities to graduate. A well-reputed and established university helps you get both practical and theoretical knowledge. Here we are presenting the list of top business schools in the world for banking and finance.

MIT Sloan School of Management

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the highest-ranked universities in the world in the QS World University Rankings. The University gets perfect scores for alumni outcomes and through leadership, reflecting its reputation of academic excellence and history of ground-breaking ideas in management as well as finance like the Black-Schools models. Sloan is also known for getting a high score for employability, graduates were offered a job within three months of graduation.

European Global School- University Paris, France

European Global School is a renowned university; it offers students a unique opportunity to attain a qualitative education and make sure they access a quality program that brings better visibility, autonomy, flexibility, and accessibility. EGS focuses on providing individual attention to every student while maintaining the highest academic standards. It also provides a multi-culture experience in and out of the classroom.

The University of Business and International Studies, Switzerland

The University of Business and International Studies pays special emphasis on finance and economics. Besides, it has a multi-campus degree where the students can study for a period of six months abroad in their allied campus in Washington DC. The university provides specific marketing certifications customized to suit the ever-changing marketplace in practicality.

London Business School, London

London Business School provides the Masters of Science in Finance course which ranks fourth among the top universities for finance and banking. This is a specialized program that is executed through a group of experts in the finance field. This is a well-recognized university, permitting the student to understand the theoretical subject in a practical way by providing internships before getting out of the university with a master’s degree.

EU Business School Barcelona, Spin

The amazing EU Business School is located in Barcelona, Spin that is a city high on business values and art scenes. The finance and economics degree is tailor-made for the student who needs a practical-oriented approach. Besides, the university always has on top ranking.

So these are the 5 best universities in the world where you can make a bright future. The banking and finance sector is unarguably one of the most dynamic industries in the world, selecting the right university can work great.

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